Jennie Kim Is Not Gay

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"For the last time, Lisa. Jennie Kim is not gay."

If Lisa had a pound for everytime Rosé had told her that over the past twenty-four hours then she would probably be able to pay Rosé to shut up about it.

"You don't know that."-Lisa replies simply.

"She sleeps with boys more often than I change my underwear."-Rosé reminded her. "And she is the self professed 'man's lady' of the school."

"Maybe it's just an act."

"Look, I get it Lisa, I really do. You like her but if you go up there and tell her that you like her she's going to take the piss."

It is clear that Rosé does not really understand because Lisa does not just like Jennie Kim, she thinks she probably loves her. And it's not for the same reason why other people likes her, it's not just because of her pretty face or because of her gorgeous feline eyes that everybody finds captivating. Especially Lisa. Lisa thinks she loves Jennie because she loves the fact that Jennie  wears the same frayed dress every Thursday and that Jennie mouths the words to songs when she thinks no-one is looking. Lisa loves all the things about Jennie, and that only makes her love the whole package even more.

"Lis."-Rosé sighs heavily. "Please don't do this."

Lisa doesn't listen though, she power walks down the corridor and towards her locker where she places her books for the day and retrieves the parcel that has been sat in there for the past few days.

She has to stop for a few moments to steady her breaths and then she heads towards where she thinks Jennie will be.

It is not like Lisa to do this. Lisa would rather stay in her room and play video games than to socialise with others, it just makes her feel anxious. So the only reason she can find she's going out of her way to finally admit her feelings for Jennie Kim is because it's Valentine's Day. It seems to Lisa that it would be a shame to waste this opportunity. After all, no one wants to be single in Valentine's Day.

Just as Lisa expected, Jennie is sat surrounded by her fans at a table in the canteen. Just as she comes into sight, Lisa hears Jennie let out a burst of laughter that makes Lisa feel like melting, but in totally sophisticated way of course.

"Hi."-Lisa greets.

She's off to a good start, she's yet to turn into a blubbering mess and she said something that wasn't completely socially awkward.

Lisa watches as Jennie and friends stare at her in complete confusion.

"Who's this?"-Jennie whispers to a guy next to her.

At the back of her mind, Lisa faintly recognises him as one of Jennie's latest supposed flings. She instantly takes a dislike to him.

The table remains silent after Jennie's question. Lisa felt a slight pang in her chest: it hurts to think that to these people she is nothing more than another face on the corridors. She hates that just because she's not as popular as them, she isn't worth knowing.

Eventually, somebody speaks up.

"She's that girl who has orange hair last week."-a girl says.

Lisa touches her hair self-consciously, it is now a dark blonde that she had been proud of until Jennie Kim and her fiends look at it with consenting expressions.

"That looked cool."-Jennie Kim says.

Her friends let out a murmur of affirmation before she continue.

"So what do you want?"

Lisa feels the lump starts to form in her throat and she swallows deeply. It doesn't help that Jennie Kim is brushing her hair back from her face in the most attractive way and suddenly Lisa can't find the words she had so carefully planned out.

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