Chapter Fifty-one

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Lisa isn't sure exactly at which point Jennie moved back onto the sofa, or at which point their legs became tangled but somehow the pair of them are sat facing each other, legs intertwined and Lisa is making no efforts to untangle herself.

They're walking on thin ice and both of them know it. And with every lingering touch and every small comment it feels like the ice is wearing thinner, Lisa is just wondering how long they've got left until it cracks entirely.

Of course Lisa knows that they're supposed to be trying the whole 'best friends' thing but it's difficult when Jennie is looking at her like she's never looked at her before, it difficult when there seems to have been a shift in attitude. Before Jennie was trying to keep her distance and now they're in such close proximity that Lisa can feel Jennie's heat radiating off of her. Jennie still seems like she's pulling back slightly, but the pair are closer than they have been in a while.

"You know, I had this really weird dream last night," Lisa says.

"Do tell me more."

"So me and Rosé are at school, and Rosé starts telling me that her wife is really excited to meet me. So I'm hella confused, because we're seventeen, why the hell is Rosé married. But I went along with it and then when Rosé's wife walks in and it's Nayeon and I'm so confused."

"Wait what?"

"I don't know, they seemed very happy together though. So I just remember them being like we've got some exciting news and telling me that Nayeon was pregnant, but apparently time flew by because she starts giving birth right in the middle of the classroom and suddenly out you pop, like Nayeon has literally given birth to a fully grown girl and everyone seemed to think this was completely normal."

"Your dreams are fucking weird," Jennie tells Lisa, "so what happened then?"

"I woke up. I just remembering sitting up and wondering what the hell just happened."

"You certainly have a very active imagination."

"They say that your dreams are based on your brain remembering things that have actually happened."

"What the hell has been happening to you? Cause I sure as hell don't remember Nayeon giving birth to me."

"I'm just saying," Lisa says defensively, "maybe something's going on between Nayeon and Rosé."

Lisa quirks her eyebrows up repeatedly in a suggestive manner and Jennie sighs.

"Nayeon is in a very happy relationship," Jennie points out, "and hey, I thought we were team Jisoo and Rosé round here!"

"I'm team whoever makes Chaeyoung happy."

"To be honest that seems like the best team to be on."

"Whichever team I'm on is always the best team to be on," Lisa replies as if it should be obvious, "I mean this is me we're talking about."

"Conceited much?"

"Nah, I just know how awesome I am."

"That's true," Jennie says, "I mean your awesome levels are through the roof."

"I'm glad you can finally admit that aloud."

"I guess I must have been living in denial before."

"Why do I feel like you're being sarcastic," Lisa says.

"Wow Lisa, way to make a girl feel bad. Why can't I just be being nice?"

Lisa raises an eyebrow disbelievingly and watches as Jennie's face begins to fall. Jennie knocks their knees together.

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