Chapter Seventeen

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Ten minutes into the game and even Lisa can tell that she is going to lose the bet. In fact, Lisa is pretty sure that even she could play better than they seem to be doing, but she still holds on to the hope that they can miraculously pull it together for the rest of the match.

Three minutes later the first goal goes in, and Lisa resigns herself to the idea of Jennie having access to her phone.

To be perfectly honest Lisa thinks that Jennie's celebration almost makes Lisa 'losing' worth it (although Lisa would like to point out that technically she's not losing as she's not actually playing). Jennie jumps up from the sofa – nearly causing a repeat of the spillage earlier – and proceeds to run around the room like a crazed maniac until play resumes. She tells Lisa that's a victory lap, Lisa reminds her that Arsenal haven't won yet. Jennie just laughs.

"So what is the offside rule?" Lisa asks after a few moments. "Because neither team seems to understand it."

"Basically when you pass the ball to the player they must have at least two players from the other team behind them," Jennie explains, "typically this includes the goalkeeper so you've got to be in front of one defender."

"And why are they so shit at sticking to it?"

"Because players get caught up in the moment Lili, and also people can mis-time their runs."

"I think I can take a guess at what that means but I'm not going to ask for clarification."

Lisa watches as Jennie grins and begins to shake her head at Lisa.

"Good plan, now shh, things are happening."

Lisa fixes her gaze on the TV screen and is pleased to find that she actually does have a vague idea of what's going on. Not that she understands when Jennie asks the referee if she needs glasses five minutes later, because clearly she would be wearing them if she did, but then again, maybe Lisa will pick these things up as she goes along.

"What do you think?" Jennie turns to Lisa and asks at half-time.

The expression on Jennie's face is one of pure joy and Lisa wonders if it is mirrored on her own. Not that she finds the game of football all that interesting – although it is tolerable – but rather because she likes sharing things like this with Jennie, things that clearly mean a lot to the other girl.

"I can see why you like watching football," Lisa replies.

Jennie's smile widens slightly and Lisa considers leaving her comment there.

"I mean Arsenal have a really cute team," Lisa continues teasingly.

Jennie sighs but Lisa can see that she is smiling none the less.

"I meant what do you think of the game Lisa?"

"It's slightly confusing, but I'm picking it up. I still think that these people get paid an extortionate amount of money though."

"Please don't use long words when we're watching football," Jennie asks.

"I didn't use long words."

"You used the word extortionate."

"I guess it is pretty long."

"Not as long as your fi – "


"Sorry Lili," Jennie says with a wink, "but I couldn't just let the opportunity pass by. And I know what you mean, everyone thinks they get paid too much, but I like watching it anyway."

"I'm not saying I didn't enjoy it, I'm just making a point."

"Well make your point later, when I'm not too busy being amazed by Sanchez's dribbling skills."

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