Chapter Four

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Lisa is nervous as she waits outside the train station for Jennie to arrive. Lisa hates making friends, because no matter how long she's know them Lisa always panics that she's annoying them, or they're talking about her behind her back.

And Lisa is more than aware that Jennie can change her mind about this friendship at any point and so Lisa is worried about all the ways that she could make a fool of herself.

She could fall and face plant on the floor, she could forget how to speak Korean, or she could accidentally call Jennie mum. Lisa is pretty sure there's nothing more mortifying in the world than making that mistake.

All these thoughts evaporate out of Lisa's brain when she lays eyes on Jennie though. There's something about the way Jennie walks, with a confident swing of her arms and a gummy smile on her face that makes Lisa calm.

Perhaps it's the fact that Jennie seems like she never worries, and somehow it makes Lisa aspire to be like that. Lisa makes a mental note that today she's not allowed to worry about anything, even if she ends up doing something that makes her look like the biggest idiot on the planet.

"Hey,"-Jennie greets.

"I can't believe you made me wake up this early."

"It's ten o'clock in the morning, Lisa."

"Exactly."-Lisa says. "It's Saturday."

"Well I'm guessing you'll love my suggestion of stopping for a coffee before we head to the shops then?"

"Please. I need caffeine."

It is not long before the pair are seated at a table in a small café they found just the high street and Lisa peers over the rim of her mug at Jennie who's staring right back at her.

"I swear half the time I've spent with you has been spent drinking coffee."

"Except you don't drink coffee."-Lisa reminds her.

"Well remembered."-Jennie says sarcastically. "Let me retract that whole statement seen as though it was clearly incomprehensible because I used wrong terminology of my hot beverage."

"You use long words when you're snarky."-Lisa comments.

"You're pedantic."

"Are you using all these long words around me because you know your friends won't understand them?"-Lisa asks.

"Ooh."-Jennie says with a teasing smirk. "Bitchy Lalisa is out today."

Lisa is about to reply but she is interrupted by the arrival of the waiter who leans towards Jennie, flexing his muscles.

"Is everything okay for you?"

His question is directed towards the pair of them but his gaze does not leave Jennie and Lisa watches as his eyes scans Jennie's body appreciatively. Lisa feels like punching him and then remembers she has no right to do that.

Watching him Lisa takes deep breaths and reminds herself that he'll be leaving any seconds but then he leans in even closer to Jennie and offers her a smirk.

"So what bring you here?"-he asks, obviously starting to flirt.

Lisa has to admit that the guy is attractive and by no means would she blame Jennie if she was attracted to him but to Lisa it's a matter of principle.

Surely the guy can see that Jennie is already talking to someone and it occurs to Lisa that if she was a guy then the waiter would not be doing this, he'd assume Lisa and Jennie were dating and therefore would count Jennie as off limits.

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