03- Kidnapped

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"If you don't surrender Baelfire and the girl, we will be killed!" I hear Smee talking with Dad as i walk up the stairs the next morning and my anger starts to bubble.

"We might have to give them over, doesn't mean I want t-" Dad starts

"So that's it, we just kick him off to fend for himself, me as well?!"

"Kirra, that's not what-" Dad tries to explain

"Well that's certainly what it sounds like!"

"We might have no choice!" Dad shouts as i run off and i stand next to Bae as he walks out of the lower deck of the ship.

"Bae we've got to go before they hand us over first" I say quickly

I watch as Dad walks towards me and Bae swipes his sword in front of him

"What's this all about?" Dad says to Bae and i

"I will not let you hurt Kirra, she's all i have left in my life after my Mother, but i'm sure you know all about her... i found the picture of her, i know that you were the pirate that killed her and i know that Kirra is my sister!" He shouts

"Bae it's not-"

"I want out of this ship!" Bae calls

"We're in Neverland now, there is no going back" Dad says to us.

"Then drop us off at the next island!" I shout and Dad nods, a tear falling from his face as he walks away, but he doesn't argue anymore about making us stay.

A broken part of me realises that he's very willing to just give us up, I thought he loved me and was willing to fight for me. Clearly not.


"Just give me a chance, i know that i can change!" Dad pleads to us

"Dad" I say as i turn to him "All my life i thought i was the luckiest girl in the world, living on a ship with my Dad having a crew that respected me, but i was wrong... My Dad was a drunk who in the end didn't care about anyone but himself, he even thought about chucking his daughter to Pan if it meant saving himself! and i'm done!" I shout as i look at him in the eyes.

"Thank you for that speech... it reminded me about who i really am" He says and i take a step back from him, seeing the evil in his eyes.

I watch as the lost boys walk onto the ship

"What have you done?" I say to him as they walk closer to Bae and myself.

One of the boys comes and grabs my arm and another grabs my other arm.

"You hated my Father so much, but you didn't realise that you were just like him!" I hear Bae shout and then i get a bag placed over my head and then everything goes black.

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