23- Release the kraken

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"Kirra! Kirra!" I hear my name being shouted and i sit up and rub my eyes

"What?" I groan as i look at Emma, Regina, Mary Margret, Charming and my Dad as they walk into my room, back on the ship, sitting on StoryBrookes waters.

"Rise and shine, love, We have some business to sort out regarding your boyfriend" Dad says

"Don't call me that, i'm not your 'love' and don't snark at the fact that Peter loves me" I say and Dad holds up his hands in 'surrender'

"What he means is, that we are finally going to dispose of Peter.. and we thought that you would like to be there, to say goodbye" Snow White says and i smirk as i get up from my hammock

"You mean that you want me to be there when you kill him so that i can see the life slipping out of his eyes and know that I'm next?" I say as i walk around the room, grabbing my coat off the side

"No" Everyone says except from Regina

"Maybe" She says and i roll my eyes as we all walk out the door


We all pull up in the guys cars and i look at the spray painted line on the floor.

"What's that for?" I ask as i jump out of the truck.

"This line is the end of StoryBrooke, for some reason every fairy tale character that steps over that line, out of StoryBrooke, will loose all their magic and all their memories" Rumpelstiltskin says

"So you plan to release him out of his box on the other side of the line?" I ask and he nods

"No, i'm going to be the one to do it" Emma says as she stands next to him "With all due respect, i'm the one that's got the expertise on the world over that line" She says and he sighs, giving her the box as she steps onto the other side of the line.

I bite my lip in anticipation as i wait for Henry to be released in Pans form.

I am Fire ✔️ || OC x Peter Pan Once Upon a TimeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant