Chapter 57

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Jeremy, Elena, and I were painted Ric's room well his, Mom and Dad's, and Jenna's.

We were fine until Damon came with Bonnie who had blood all on her neck.

"Mads go upstairs." Elena said to me and I gave her a look "Listen to your sister." Damon looked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." I said going up to my room Max following me.

Birds flew in sitting around my room "Hey." "Hi" "are you ok" "Yeah. I'm fine" I lied "Good.... Nick's here" lyric told me.

I smiled as my best friend came through my door "So why is everybody here?" "I don't know they sent me up here." I shrugged.

"Shh." He waved his hand over my ears and I could hear them downstairs. Bonnie, Damon, Stefan, Jeremy, and Elena.

"Don't blame me. Blame Bonnie the blood bank. She fed him." "I had no idea what was happening. Okay, the witches led me there. They wanted him to feed so he turned."

"So, where's the stake now?" "Oh, you mean the white oak one? The one that can kill an Original and wipe out an entire line of vampires? We don't know."

We looked at each other "I thought they were all gone." I looked at him shocked "They were."

"Esther stole one." Spinn flew around "She replaced it with a fake one." "What about my family?"

"They'll die if he gets to them." Nick's eyes widened before they could say something my door opened.

The birds flew out.

"You two are coming with quiet." She shushed me and Nick grabbing us. We looked at each other deciding against her.

"What the heck! Elena..." I groaned as we got into her car "Caroline's in danger if we want to save her we have to go." She explained driving.

Nick and I became worried. Caroline was our friend and his brother's girlfriend and Klaus likes her.


We walked into the school hearing Caroline's whimpers. We ran towards the sound finding her in his classroom tied up, pencils in her hands.

"Care." Nick and I let out "Let her go, Alaric." Elena breathed heavily...yeah we're not getting out of here alive if she keeps that up.

'We need to get out of here' I kept thinking over and over 'I know' I heard jumping and bit, I looked at Nick and our eyes widened.


'You can hear me' 'yeah stop being so loud thanks' 'We can't count on Elena to save us' 'or our family' 'so what do we do' 'The animals' 'How, Ric knows we can talk to them' 'I don't know but if we can get them here' 'they could buy us some time getting us out' 'Exactly'

We snapped out our thoughts hearing Caroline scream "Stop trusting vampires!" Ric yelled.


Alaric had us sitting down, me and Nick injected with witch hazel and wolfsbane.

He was trying to get Elena to stake us all. "They're all murderers. Caroline told me she killed someone and liked it, Nick 10 years old already unlocked his curse, and sweet little Madison she killed Bree all because she's too powerful. Now how is any of this right they shouldn't exist." Ric pointed at us.

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