Chapter 13

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When I work up the next morning, Damon was next to me and he had breakfast for me.

"Mornin' sleepyhead." He said "you didn't take me home?" I asked "I didn't want to leave you alone." He said.

"What am I?" I asked "what do you mean?" He asked "at the bar, vines came out the ground and..." I said

"What actually happened, kid?" He asked and I sighed and shrugged "she touched my arm and then her eyes turned white, and then she tried to kill ms I think and then the vines came out and then they disappeared into the ground." I said

"Munchkin, can we keep this between us...if everyone finds out bad things will happen." He said and I nodded, I didn't plan on telling anyone anyways.

"Can you take me to school?" I asked "you still want to go?" He asked and I nodded "alright, you have clothes in my drawer." he got up.

I ate the food, then took a shower. Dammy drove me to school and called Jenna telling her he took me.

"Hey, mads." nick said and I hugged him "where were you yesterday you weren't here?" he asked.

"Road trip." i said he nodded "The dance is tonight want to come to my house?" He asked and I smiled.

"Yeah, I missed my best friend." I said "me too." He said and the teacher came in and started the lesson.
"Hey, Jenna." I smiled "oh, hi Maddie how was school?" She asked I smiled nodding "Good, hey can I go to nick's house while Lena and Jer are at the dance?" I asked

"Yeah, I was gonna asks if you wanted to go over there I'm going to the dance too." She said I tilted my head.

"Why you're not a teenager?" I asked and she laughed "No, but the guy I've been seeing is a teacher there." She said

"Oh, Mr.Saltzman?" I asked "how'd you know who he was?" She asked "Jeremy." I said she nodded.

"Yeah, you've been spending a lot of time with the Salvatores." Jenna said "yeah they're cool, especially Damon." I said

"Yeah you two are practically family." She said "Aunt Jenna is it normal to dream of people from a long time ago?" I asked

"Um...I don't know, I don't." She said I giggled "why what's up?" She asked "nothing just asking." I said.

Jenna and I went to the grill and got some food then we went back home so she could get ready for the dance.

She dropped me off at the Lockwood's and headed off to her date.

"So what movie are we watching?" I asked Nick plopping on the bed. We stayed up most of the night watching movies on Netflix and eating junk and drinking sodas.

We fell asleep in his bed like we used to when
we were little, with me cuddled up into his side.
3rd POV
"Daddy, look." Isabella said to her father, Damon showing him the tiara that her uncle Stefan got her for her birthday.

"It's beautiful did you thank uncle Stefan?" He asks his daughter smiling "Thank you Uncle Steffy." Isabella laughed bad hugged her uncle.

"You're welcome, bells." Stefan smiled hugging his 4 year old niece. "Hey, princess I have a surprise for you." Amelia said to her daughter.

"Ooh what is it?! What is it?!" Isabella bounces up and down excited "let's go see it." Amelia said grabbing her daughter's hand leading her outside the brothers following.

Amelia covered Isabella's eyes as they reached outside. "Ok on the count of 3 I'm going to uncover my hands ok?" Amelia said bad Isabella nodded excited.

"1...2......3!" Amelia said and uncovered her daughter's eyes. When Isabella saw what was in front of her she yelled and ran toward them giving them hugs.

"Excited to see us, darling?" Kol asked his little niece "yeah." Isabella giggled hugging her uncles and aunt.

"Well we couldn't miss our favorite little niece's birthday now could we?" Klaus said picking her up.

"I'm your only niece." The youngest Salvatore giggled "oh, shush." He tickled her "did you forget about me brothers?" Amelia asked from her spot where Rebekah was hugging her.

"Of course not, sister how are you?" Elijah hugged her "good, Lijah." She hugged him back then hugged her little brother.

"So my twin had replaced me with my daughter?" Amelia teased looking at Klaus and Isabella who were running around, Klaus chasing her.

"She's the baby now, he's spoiling her." Rebekah said smiling seeing her older brother so happy.

"Mr.Salvatore, I trust you've been treating my sister right?" Elijah shook Damon's hand "Yes, Sir." Damon said smiling at his wife.

"Please, we're family Elijah." He said letting go "Stefan." Elijah shook the youngest brothers hand.

"I missed you, sister." Klaus walked up hugging his twin sister "I missed you too, Nik." Amelia said holding her twin and sibling she closest to.

"Daddy, mommy stole uncle Nikki." Isabella fake pouted everyone laughed and Damon picked her up.

"Well it's a good thing you have more uncles." Damon said and Isabella smiled and went to her uncle Kol.

"Hey." Klaus complained letting go of his sister and going to chase his Niece.

All the boys chased Isabella and finally caught her. Klaus held her in the middle Kol and Elijah on each side of him.

"Happy birthday little Niece." They all kissed her and tickled her making her giggle and smile brightly.

The girls and the Salvatore brothers watched with big smiles too. Isabella Salvatore is a very special girl.

She got the Mikaelsons to be a family again and she gave Damon and Stefan a sense of purpose again.

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