Chapter 14- Avoiding

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Moon has started college but she prefers taking her classes online so she spends most of her time in her room only.

Not to brag or anything but the college she attends is one of the best colleges in Italy and they have all the facilities of the world.

It's been days since I have had a proper conversation with her. She just comes out of her room for dinner and lunch. She usually skips breakfast. She says eating early in the morning makes her nauseated.

To be honest it is a little weird how just after a day or two after her breakdown she has changed. Completely.

She has become just like how she was when she first came to this house.

She talks in monosyllables. And sometimes in one or two sentences.

I liked how after a while she felt comfortable with us. I liked how she allowed us to get through her walls. She let us comfort her. I liked how she trusted us.

But now it's all gone. It would be a lie if I say that I am not worried. I am so worried that I just want to confront her I want to ask her why is she icing us out? What is going on in her mind? Is she okay?

But I don't know if this would be a good idea. I decided to talk to Salvatore about the same. I want to know if confronting her will be the right thing to do or not.

So here I am in his room. But bitch is taking forever in that freaking washroom!!

What is he doing there? Is he mastu--


It's not my fault. He is taking so long it is logical only that I am having these thoughts


Okay okay

"COME OUT YOU HORNY FUCK" I banged on the bathroom door. I kept on beating the door for almost five minutes.

Suddenly I heard a click and suddenly everything became blank for milliseconds and then I felt wetness on my head and it took me a few seconds to realize what has happened.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I shouted at a Salvatore who stood there with an empty bucket and bloody bitchy smug on his fucking face.

"Oh, I am sorry I thought some mad guy got into our house" he made the home alone screaming face and dramatically exited the bathroom.

I hate him. Lucky for him I love him.

"That was for being a loud ass mf" with that I saw an empty bucket flying in my direction

Luckily I've got god-like reflexes.

But sometimes even Gods lose. And so I got hit on my face with an empty bucket.

And here I thought it would a good idea to talk to him about Moon.

"What the actual fuck" I shouted at him

"You are a therapist, Xav. You should keep your language and temper in check" Salvatore said while buttoning his shirt.

"You get on my nerves. I swear." I saw while putting that bucket back in the washroom.

"What happened? Are you not taking any clients today or what?" he asked me while putting on some shit smelling cologne.

"I want to talk about Moon" I saw while trying to dry my hair.

Suddenly I got all his attention.

I knew it! He loves her more than me.

Fucking so sweet. I hate him.

"I think something is wrong with Moon"


It's been days 10 or something I think since my breakdown. The therapist chat with Enzo.

I have started college and it's pretty good. I decided to take classes from home because I am not at all interested in knowing new people. I was surprised to know that we can take classes from home as well.

I am trying to avoid my brothers. I just stay in my room most of the time. I don't want to talk to them.

They have got some weird effect on me. They break my walls like no other.

I just want to get through this college, get a job, earn some money, get my own house and leave theirs.

Don't get me wrong I like my brothers but I am just too much for them to handle. I don't think I can go on living with the fact that these guys are stressed about me all the time.

My class ended an hour ago but I still don't want to get out of the room because there is a very high possibility of me running into one of them and I, for one, don't want it.

I decided to take a nap.

Afternoon naps are the best.

I got under my covers, played some music, turned off the lights, and fell into a slumber, that I might regret.

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