Chapter 4 - Meeting the 'guys'

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Moon's POV

Okay, my 'brothers' are rich. He owns a fucking private jet. Honestly not a fan. I got motion sickness so I start feeling nauseated and then I end up throwing up.

"You want me to help you with your bag, Sorella?" Luca asked bringing me out of my little chat with myself

"no" why would he want to help me with my bag? Do you mind helping me with my life? Fucker!

"Okay let's go then," he said with a yawn

Oh now I feel bad for him he must be tired and all because he had to pick me up


Fuck off

As I entered the plane I must say the interior got me in awe. There was also a bed in the corner and the seats looked extremely comfortable.

We sat down in front of each other. Luca smiled at me. I just looked at him with a straight face.

The plane took off and after a while, I start getting nauseated. So I positioned myself in a comfortable position carefully trying not to hurt myself any further. And closed my eyes. I just hope we land as soon as possible.

Luca's POV

I looked at the sister. She didn't say a word and as soon as the plane took off she made herself comfortable and dozed off.

She wasn't looking very comfortable in that position and she might strain her neck if she continues to sleep in that position.

I remember how she said "don't. Ever. I repeat ever. Touch. Me. Again." But I didn't want her to strain her neck.

"Moon" I whispered not wanting to startle her. She's a heavy sleeper.

I gently took her in my arms not to wake her up and settled her on the bed. She curled up in the sheets. She looked so cute.

Third person's POV

When the plane landed Luca went to Moon to wake her up but he just curled more into the sheets. Luca gently took her into his arms not wanting to wake her up settled her in the backseat of the car with her head on his lap and they drove off.

Moon's POV

Can I not wake up. Like ever? Yeah, the first thoughts that come to my mind as soon as I wake up are of dying. Cool. Cool.

I feel as if someone's carrying me

I leaned my head against a wall

Wait for what?


I panicked and start squirming to free myself from the hold of my captor and soon was on my feet

"Shit shit I didn't mean to scare you," Luca said with worry.

"what the fuck?! What the fuck were you trying to do?!"

"language," Luca said adding to my irritation

I decided not to say anything. I didn't want a scene. I don't have any strength. I am tired. I just gave him a death glare.

As I entered the big mansion in front of me my eyes came out of my socket. It was so beautiful.

"BOYS! COME MEET YOUR SISTER" Luca shouted in the loudest voice. Soon I heard footsteps approaching and there stood in front of me three guys, two similar-looking faces and a man with blue eyes

As one of the guys approached me I stepped back earning frowns from my brothers.

I DON'T want to be touched.

They look intimidating but I am not intimidated.

"Moon, these are your brothers," he said to me with a smile on his face "why don't you guys introduce yourself," he says turning to the three guys standing in front of me.

"Hi baby sister, I am Xavier. I am 23 and it's so good to have you back" he said with a smile so bright that I almost smiled but I don't want to smile. I probably look like a dying whale of I try to smile. So I just nodded.

"Hey Bambina, I am Enzo. I am 25" I just nodded in his direction.

"And I am Enzo's twin," the guys who looked exactly like Enzo said while putting his hand on Enzo's shoulder and leaning on him "and my name is Lorenzo you see Lor-enzo I am the Lor in Enzo's life and everyone else's lives" saying this he starts kissing Enzo's face which irritated and be just pushed him away with an irritated look on his face.

I smiled internally listening to all his bickering and just nodded at him.

"Umm I am Moon, Moon Carter and I am 20," I said with a mixture of awkwardness and neutral tone.

"Carter? You are not Carter. You are a Maccini" Xavier said in a loud voice and I flinched slightly and I don't think any of guys noted this.


These are only four guys. As far as I remember Luca told me I have five brothers

"You said I have five brothers," I said turning to him with a frown

"Ahh Salvatore is working he the eldest. You will meet him during the dinner he is out of town for some work"


"Let me show you your room," Lorenzo said with excitement.

"Lor, portala nella camera degli ospiti. Devo occuparmi di qualcosa nella sua stanza

(Take her to the spare bedroom. I need to take care of something in her room)

Luca said something and I was not able to comprehend it so I just looked at him with a frown. I guess that was Italian.

"Come on, Sorella. Let's go" with that I followed Lorenzo

He opened a door and the room was beautiful with dark blue walls, a queen-sized bed and an attached bathroom. Fuck this is good! I said internally.

"We have still some work left to do in your room. You can stay here for a while. After dinner you can shift to your room" he said with a smile

"Okay, thank you"

"You don't have to thank me, Sorella," he said cupping my face and I am about to end this man's whole happiness

"Don't touch me" I said sternly stepping back.

A look of hurt flashed through his face. And I couldn't care less. Just because one day my 'brothers' decided to show up doesn't mean it makes a difference. 20 fucking years of my life and they decided to show up when Toby the useless fuck died.

"I'll take your leave then. I'll call you for dinner you can freshen up and if you need anything just let anyone of us know" he said with a sad smiled

And ALMOST I almost start feeling guilty ughhhhhhhh

Kill yourself. You are fucking pathetic. You are so ungrateful.

I laid down on the bed and tried to sleep.

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