Chapter 8 - Rules

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Moon's POV

Ughh I don't want to wake up I wanna remain in bed. But I know I have to wake up and also have to talk to the guys about my college and stuff.


I remember what I did last night. Fuck my life I just HAVE to behave like a fucking attention seeking fucker.

I just made a fool out of myself. I feel embarrassed now

I should just kill myself and things will get better for everyone.

I don't want to get these thoughts, okay? Don't judge me. I just don't understand why does the first thought that comes to my mind as soon as I wake up is of killing myself.

Why did I have to lose control at the slightest inconvenience?

How am I gonna face the guys?

I am sure Xavier must have snitched about me to everyone.

Everyone's a fucking snitch in this fucking house.

But remember, Snitches, get stitches.

But I am still wondering where did all my blades go? I clearly remember putting them in my bag.

I don't think I have any reason to hurt myself I just do it because it is like an addiction. I can't get enough of it.

My thoughts were disturbed when I felt someone opening the door of my room.

I stayed in my bed I didn't want to wake up. I just want to sleep more.

"is she still sleeping," I think that was Enzo whispering to someone

"How would I know" the other voice which I am assuming was Lorenzo's said in an irritated whisper

I feel someone near my bed I kept my eyes closed

"Moon" it was Enzo. He called out my name softly but I didn't respond and then he went back to Lorenzo

"she had a difficult night. Do you think it would be okay to wake her up?" Enzo asked Lorenzo in a whisper

See?! I knew Xavier must have snitched.

"Let her sleep, for now, we'll come back later" it was Lorenzo

They slowly left my room without making a noise

I just laid there contemplating life. What is up with me?

Why do I have to be so negative?

Can I not get a normal happy day?


I got up did my business in the bathroom and changed. I didn't want to bath today.

I headed downstairs and there was no one in the hall.


They must have left your sorry ass

Yeah, sure.

Bitch is being too much these days she needs to shut the fuck up or Imma fuck her up. Fucking bitch.

Well I guess I will just talk to them about the college when I will see them

As I was about to go back to my room I saw Salvatore. I was about to sneak out of the situation quietly but fuck my sorry clumsy ass. I almost tripped and a yelp escaped my mouth.

Third person's POV

"Moon" Salvatore called her out and went up to her "Are you okay?" he was about to touch her shoulder but refrained himself.

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