4: Growing in every sense of the word

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As the two fell asleep Venom extended himself from his host to look over the beach. He planned for her to clean the beach for the next months training plan, of course with a little help from him.

He was jolted from his thoughts when he felt Izuku move, not wanting to spoil his surprise he slithered back into her body and felt her wake up in a cold sweat. Quickly brushing it off again, Izuku got up and headed to the kitchen for a glass of cold water. After downing it she headed back to her futon with plans to design the night away. This was stopped when she was met with a very panicked Mei.

'Hey Mei what's wrong?' Izuku asked worry evident in her voice

'N-N-Nighttttmmm' Mei managed to stutter out. Izuku understood immediately and hugged the shaking girl, slowly guiding her to one of the two futons.

Leaning forward she helped Mei down and the let her continue to hug her. Izuku slowly stroked Mei's hair as the two drifted off to sleep. That night was the first in a long time where the nightmares didn't come for Izuku, instead she slept in for once and Venom wasn't one to complain.

When the two finally woke up the next day to grumbling stomachs, they were happier than ever, Izuku especially since she didn't have nightmares. Thus being the innocent bean she is asked Mei if they could always sleep together and Mei being the amazing person she is, couldn't refuse.

The week passed by quickly with them both becoming more accustomed to their new lives, Mei set up one of the rooms for experiments, funded by the trash filled beach outside, while Izuku's training slowed a bit as Venom wanted her to experience a normal life for a bit, training could wait, her childhood could not. The two grew closer during that week and their combined workmanship increased exponentially, with none of Mei's device exploding which was apparently unheard of. When they were coming to the end of the week Izuku told Mei about striking a deal with the company she was partnered with since they had a support department for developing Izuku's ideas into a reality, though none had been managed to be realised by them yet, Mei however had brought six of Izuku's ideas to life as her babies, simply with the trash from the beach. They both saw no reason why she couldn't help.

They made their way to the building again, this time Izuku/Venom brought Mei which once again confused the receptionist, especially since Mei brought a backpack she wouldn't open except for security, who weren't the sharpest tools in the shed.

The two made their way up to Shinrai's office, opening the door the two froze at the sight of two people in the room, following suit the two in the room froze at the unexpected extra guest.

'Rai, explain' Izuku/ Venom said letting out a low growl

'Izuku just wai...' Shinrai tried to say before being out off by the other man

'Hello young man, please forgive Shinrai, I forced him into this,' The man said standing up, causing Izuku to stand protectively in front of Mei, 'Please I mean no harm, I'm the CEO of this company and I wanted to come here and thank you personally, your ideas have caused out stocks to increase by 600%. So I came to my favourite quirkless employee and asked to meet with you but I just missed you last week so he told me to come here this week so I could discuss the mass production of your ideas with a special person.'

Izuku still didn't trust the man, especially when he mentioned Shinrai's quirkless nature, so her hostility grew and she stood in front of her new friend not moving in inch.

'Sir, please I know you're probably trying to help but I think you're making this worse' Shinrai said as the man let out a sigh of defeat and sat back down. 'Izuku please this man means no harm, trust me please' He asked pleading the girl. She relented and sat down to where he pointed with Mei standing next to her. 'Thank you' Shinrai said before he started to explain, 'You see it was sir here who gave me a chance in this company in the first place even if it didn't sit right with any of the other employees or people on the board. Hell most of them still don't like me but the asset I am is now undeniable and he was the man who gave me the chance'

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