74: Rest at last

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Bright white lights are not the nicest sight to wake up to, but for Izuku they were at least a sign of where she was. Blinking slowly as she tried to adjust to the brightness she shifted slowly to face the window instead, letting the soft glow of a rising sun fill her vision instead of the bright artifical lights.

Groaning she pushed herself up as she let the gears in her head start spinning.

'Ugh...' Swinging her legs round the side of her uncomfortable bed, she let them hang off the ground continuing to stare at the start of the day, 'I guess I've been down for a bit, but honestly its nice to wake up to sun rather than stars for once.'

Stretching out she slowly took in her surroundings, taking note of the plushies once again piled on the floor like a carpet. Smiling softly at this, she took note to thank Rai and her Dad once she saw them both again.

Venom's black sludgy face swivelled into her vision, slightly grinning as he nudged her a bit, 'Come on Kid, 'bout time you returned to the world of the living.'

'Well then get back in,' Izuku grinned tugging the symbiote off her neck, 'Can't go around letting everyone know you're sentient.'

Pouting, Venom slowly slid back, though only to the point he was barely visiible and nestled in the green beans fluffy hair.

'But you didn't seem to mind when I took over and scared the Rai loving gummy worms out of your classmates on the first few days.' He grinned seemingly safe in his leaf green abode.

Pouting Izuku shook her head sharply, only stopping when her companion gave in. Giggling she let her hair still once again before speaking, 'Well you parasite, I've grown a lot since then!'

Venom growled, 'I told you I don't like being called that!'

'And I told you to stop the silly censoring,' Izuku tutted, 'It was fine for Touya or Toga but not you! Pleaaassee Venom don't mess with me.'

Parting her hair ever so slightly, Venom pulled forward to grin down at her, 'But we wouldn't want our pwoor wittle bwean to get cowwupted.'

'Ugh.' Izuku groand, as she fell back into the hard bed, 'Stoppppp, I grew up with Bakugo and that oh so lovely Yagi. Cussing like a sailor would be Childs play.'

'Prove it.' Venom called out, once again among her green locks.

WIth a light blush she opened her mouth, 'F-F-F-FUDGE!', She called out before the redness took over her face.

At this Venom burst out laughing, though it wasn't enough to block the sound of someone else's giggling. Quick as a whip, Izuku twisted to face the door, only to sigh in relief at the white clad nurse standing in her doorway.

The lady bowed, 'Sorry, I did not mean to intrude. But currently I am your personal nurse. It is nice to see you awake again.'

Squinting at the girl, Izuku swung round to face her, in a similar fashion as to when she saw the sunrise. Silence engulged the room as the two women waited for the other to speak. Finally realising she never gave her name, the nurse squeaked and rose back up.

'S-Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Kang Ishi. I will be in your service.'

'Well then Kang-san...'

'Please Ishi would be preferable.'

Nodding Izuku continued, 'Ishi then, your services are not needed. I am sure there are many others in need of your services.'

'Ah.' The woman blinked once, the twice... then slowly narrowed her eyes at the greenete. 'Sorry Izuku-san, that is not your choice at this moment.'

'Well then Kang, you can go tell the HSPC to get lost! I'm not going to be locked up just because they got the chance to jump at me!'

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