58: Say hi to the Traitor!

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Izuku's straight path led her right into the path of a Nomu, who was currently chasing two of her closest friends and another student. Mom was unconscious strung between her girlfriend and the other male student, head bleeding badly. The two carrying Momo cursed when they hit a dead end, jagged rocks encircled them, taller than they could ever hope to climb.

The weapons monster with about twenty chainsaws drew closer, drooling, as it raised it arms ready to strike. But instead of it killing one of the three, a goop covered hand pierced the beast's chest, crushing the mutated heart in its over sized fist. It fell over, dead as could be, revealing Izuku standing behind it, covered with her goop staring down at the dead beast before stepping over it.

She herself was looking down at the decapitated nomu, carefully glancing behind her to see Momo unconscious leaning on Kyouka and a class B boy known as Awase.

'Well that Nomu was disappointing.' Izuku grumbled. Jiro just smiled with Awase was still shaking in fear of the new threat, 'Well then, camp's over there.' She pointed, 'Head on back and you'll be safe, make sure Momo gets medical attention Kyouka.'

Said girl nodded and heaved the boy up before both took either arm of the unconscious girl and hauled themselves back to camp.

Izuku smiled and turned back to her route. She was sure the boy she was meant to chase had diverted long ago but a little voice in her head told her to continue and of course she'd listen to him, Venom's never lead her astray before. She continued onwards, towards the furthest point away from the camp clearing on the scare trail, no blood, no bodies... just silence.

Izuku looked around confused, even the trees were perfectly fine. She stood still wondering why the villains would leave this area intact, they didn't have any reason to right?

She was snapped out of her trance by a familiar purple portal making itself known not 40 metres away. Quickly she hid herself behind the nearest tree, trying to gauge her opponent before the match began.

For a moment the mist flared as a bald, seemingly eyeless, man stepped out. He chuckled to himself under some sort of complex metal mask.

'Now then...' He hummed, 'Where's our lovely traitor?'

Izuku's gasped as the man snapped, his attention focused on the symbiote covered girl. With a single swipe of the man's hand a new clearing was made and now the two powerhouses were staring each other down.

Neither said a word for ten minutes before the man spoke up again.

'Hello there... who might you be?' He asked, interested by the fact he wasn't able to sense his opponent before. Izuku didn't answer, she just stared on, unnerving the man, 'Fine then, I'll go first. I'm All for One.'

'Venom.' Izuku replied

'Hmm... that Venom?' He asked, finally putting a name to the face cloaked in darkness, 'Amusing, the one who disrupted heroes and seems to have an obvious problem with their laws is the one challenging me?' Again all that was said was nothing, 'Fine then. I have an offer for you. Join us and get the revenge you so obviously seek!'


'Great no- I'm sorry, what?'


All for one growled, 'HOW DARE YOU, YOU INSOLENT CHILD.' This time the man raised his hand instead of swiping, and a bright white beam shot forth, scorching the ground below and making a direct connection with Izuku's goop head. The area was bathed in light as the head disappeared, once it was done the beam stopped and the villain lowered his hand chuckling. 'Hehe... guess you weren't as powerful as they said.'

The Venom of Izuku YagiOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant