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You've never hated yourself more than you do the next morning.

You vaguely recall Mikasa piling you, Eren, and Armin into her car (she, alongside Levi, Erwin, and Annie were some of the only ones who had remained mostly sober) and taking you home. You'd been coherent enough to strip yourself out of your work clothing, take a shower, and collapse in bed.

Now, it's just before noon the day after and you keep replaying your conversation with Levi in your head.

You like them short?! 

What the hell were you thinking? 

You spend all day cursing yourself in your head, trying to remember how much you rambled and if you made a total fool of yourself. No, you're pretty sure you had a decent handle on your behavior, but still.

On Sunday, you go grocery shopping. There's a local store a two minute walk from your apartment which is both a blessing and a curse: close enough to make it walking distance, but too close that it makes your late-night cravings easy to satisfy. You head through the aisles, trying to avoid bumping into other people, and grab what you can find on sale. 

On a whim, you buy a pack of cookies. These are the type that Sasha claims to love, right?

When Monday rolls around, you spend the entire bus ride fidgeting nervously. You should not be this concerned about it. It's Levi. You doubt a little comment like that bothered him. 

Either way, when you head into his office that morning with a mug of green tea in your hands, you can't help but start with, "I apologize for my behavior on Friday."

Levi says nothing, instead raising an eyebrow at you and taking his tea mug. 

He's wearing a black collared shirt which suits him and he looks way too hot for you to be doing this right now. "It was inappropriate," you say quickly, avoiding eye contact, "and I was intoxicated."

He takes a sip. "Is that all?"

You swallow, then nod. "Yes. Sir."

Levi sets his tea mug down and hands you two files. "Those need to be updated based on what we have in the computer system," he tells you, eyes on his own computer screen. "And would it kill you to try a bit of variety?" Levi adds, holding up his mug. "If you make me green tea one more time I'm going to throw it at you."

You have no doubts that he would follow through on his threat. "I'll be sure to mix it up," you say, your shoulders relaxing. He doesn't care about what happened on Friday. Good. "Anything else?"

"No. Get Mikasa to show you the section in the archives on those folders."

"Yes, sir."

You shut the door behind you and exhale in relief, pressing your forehead into your free hand. He doesn't care. And you shouldn't either, for that matter. You can put the matter behind you and just finish your four months with your head down. No big deal.

You look up and realize everyone is staring at you. "What?" you ask in surprise.

Ymir, whose desk is closest, leans over to you and frowns. "Nope. No tears."

There's a loud groan from Jean, who slumps against his desk, and Connie starts cackling at Sasha, who's sinking lower and lower into her desk. Ah, their bet, you realize. "Sorry to disappoint," you say sarcastically, sliding into your seat.

"No disappointment here," Ymir says brightly, grinning at the miserable look on Jean's face. "I'm still in."

"Sorry," Sasha confesses, rubbing the back of her head. "I thought you'd be out by last week."

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