nine [nsfw]

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You grab your belongings as fast as you possibly can and nearly trip over your own feet as you head to the elevator. Levi is already ahead of you, his jacket over his shoulders and suitcase in hand.

The two of you head into the elevator, and as soon as the doors shut, Levi's free hand moves to cup your cheek and he pulls you in. You kiss him back, arms going around his shoulders.

It's not as furious as your kiss in the office had been; it's a bit slower and more methodical. Almost like Levi's trying to slow your pace down a bit.

"You've got a thing for elevators?" you tease when the elevator dings and he pulls away.

Levi turns away from you, scoffing. "No. They're disgusting."

"Then what was that two weeks ago?" you push, following him out into the main lobby. Levi opens the door and you follow him out of the building and down the sidewalk to where he's parked his car. "You didn't seem to care when we were in the Garrison building," you add, trying to dig some sort of admission out of him. "And those ones were nastier than ours."

"They're a bunch of pigs," Levi grumbles, fishing his keys out of his jacket pocket. "Their janitors are shit and none of them know how to clean."

You laugh. Levi clicks the button on his keys and the lights on his car flash to indicate it's unlocked. You wait for him to say something else, but he doesn't- he's stalling, you realize- so you open the door to the passenger seat and hop inside. Levi jams his keys into place, twists them, and the car comes to life. "So?" you prompt.

Levi clicks his seatbelt into place. "So what?" he says.

You sigh to yourself. Alright, so he's not going to answer your questions after all. "And you say I'm a piece of work," you mutter, crossing your arms and turning your head to glare out the window.

A hand tangles into your hair. You cry out something in protest, but Levi's already got a tight grip. He forcefully turns your head towards him, and your mouth slips open at his sudden aggression.

"I've always known the Garrison are full of lazy assholes," Levi says, eyes narrowed, "but Rod's been too blind to see that for years, and they've always been careful enough not to get caught. Until," he murmurs, his voice dropping, "you came along. I wanted to fucking kiss you right then and there when you called him out."

Your voice is strangled when you choke out, "oh."

His grip loosens in your hair. "That good enough for you or you going to keep complaining?"

You try to regain your composure, and you muster up, "I suppose that'll do."

Levi rolls his eyes, and his fingertips move down to the base of your skull. "Good. Get your seatbelt on and let's go."

He lets go, and you reach across your body to grab the buckle and fumble it into place. Levi puts his hand behind your seat and turns to look over his shoulder as he reverses, and this time, you stare at him shamelessly. The top buttons of his shirt are still undone. You can't wait to get him out of it.

The car ride is much too long. You can feel your underwear sticking to you uncomfortably- you're so painfully horny that you have to physically restrain yourself from sticking your hand down your tights. You've got to wait, you've got to keep a handle on yourself.

Levi pulls into the parking lot for your apartment building, and you throw yourself out of the car, adrenaline running through your veins. Levi follows you into the building as you thumb in your code to open the main door, then press the button for the elevator. The doors open and an elderly lady wanders out, smiling at you.

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