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Your last week of work is easily your most miserable.

You refuse to speak to Levi. The cold shoulder is the only method that works for you right now. Clearly, he's trying to make sure any attachments between the two of you are cut clean, so you may as well do your part. It's devastating; it hurts just walking into his office, seeing those cold grey eyes that you used to find comfort in and forcing yourself to drop his gaze and avoid staring.

You want to understand. You want to grab him and yell, scream at him to tell you anything, to open up. You were sure of it, you were so sure that he harbored the same feelings you did. Even now, you still think he does, no matter how much he denies it.

But if he doesn't want a relationship, then there's really nothing you can do, and that's what hurts most of all. You're helpless.

It's at times like this that you wish you could unload your misery onto someone. It can't be one of your friends, either- it's got to be someone that knows Levi. Preferably someone who knows the nature of his last workplace relationship and what went so wrong with it that he's unwilling to attempt anything with you.

What happened? What happened that scared him away, not just from a relationship in the workplace, but a relationship in general?

You haven't answered Erwin yet. He's given you a deadline of Friday, and you're trying to use every day before that to weigh out the pros and cons, but it's difficult.

Pros include a familiar workspace, coworkers you get along with, work you know how to do (and then some), and keeping your apartment. 

Cons include Levi. That's it.

You're just not sure you can keep this up. If he's dead set on nothing coming up for you two, then there's nothing you can do, and you don't think your heart can handle that. This week is painful enough, with you giving him the silent treatment. You're sure it would get better over time, but you don't know if you can manage that.

You've fallen hard, and you're not sure that you can get up.

You take two other interviews for different jobs that week, one on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. You're suddenly a bit more invested in those. As time goes by and Levi's silent treatment continues on, securing a position outside of the company becomes higher on your priority list. You haven't informed Erwin of where you stand yet; he hasn't been pushy.

Hell, even Zeke's crossed your mind. But that would be not just a betrayal to Levi but to the company- you can't do that.

Sasha catches onto your gloomy mood midway through the week. "You alright, Greenie?" she asks during your lunch break on Wednesday. "You haven't been yourself all week."

You fake a smile. "Just tired, Sasha. I've got a couple interviews this week and I'm a bit stressed out."

"Do Connie and I need to attack Captain?"

"Nah. Nothing he did," you lie.

"Ah," she says, smiling. "Well, if there's anything I can do, just ask."

"Thank you," you reply genuinely. "I appreciate it."

But unless she can give you a full dissection of Levi's behavior and convince the man to give you a shot, there's nothing much she can do. Hell, there's not much anyone can do. 

But you can't bring yourself to give up. You just can't.

On Thursday morning, your second last day of work, Levi finally cracks. When you drop Levi's tea off for the morning- peppermint- he says your name. You linger, pausing inside his office. You wish he'd used the nickname, but even him saying your name sends sparks into the pit of your stomach.

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