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"Why are you here?" Beck asks, not moving any closer. I smirk, remembering almost putting him through the wall in my hotel room. Part of me wants to do it again. That's all this piece of shit apartment is missing anyways, a big hole in the wall.

I turn to Zoey. She's the one lying to him. I don't care what he knows. Her eyes widen at me and she licks her lips nervously, grabbing her son from his carrier before she approaches Beck.

"Beau got our invitation to Jack's party," She murmurs, the lie effortless on her tongue. "He wanted to stop by, I told him you'd be home later." She looks between the two of us, practically begging me to go along with it. "You're home early,"

"Yeah." Beck squints at me, before looking down at Zoey, bouncing frantically to lull the kid back to sleep. "Forgot my lunch."

"So you're working now?" I let some of my taunting come through in my tone. To see the golden boy exactly where our father vowed I'd be someday... Almost as satisfying as whiskey used to be.

Pushing blond strands from his forehead, Beck puckers his lips and I know he heard the dig.

"At an autobody shop." He grabs Jack from Zoey's arms, gently placing a kiss atop the baby's head. "What's it to you?"

I shrug casually, bored expression on my face. "Guess it means you can give me my money back, then, no?"

Beck's eyes widen and he opens and closes his mouth like a fish out of water. Zoey crinkles her brows at me, frown pulling her lips down. Again, I feel a sliver of contentment knowing I'm making them uncomfortable. Beck in particular.

"Kidding." I mumble, imagining Emma scolding me for my attitude. "I'm all set."

After a moment, Beck relaxes, sort of rocking uncomfortably back and forth as the baby begins to fuss. "It's a long ride just to RSVP," Beck eyes Zoey and me suspiciously, holding the baby close to his chest.

"It is," I agree, feeling Zoey's concerned stare before I continue. "But actually, I'm not here to RSVP."

Zoey's eyes are intent on my face, her forehead creased anxiously. Lazily, I peer around the apartment, noting the lack of space and abundance of clutter. How are they throwing a party here, anyways?

"I'm not sure I'll be able to make it." I step forward, using my index finger to barely touch the baby's hand. Beck takes a step back but instantly, Jack wraps his chubby fingers around mine and I still, staring down at the little guy in wonder.

Will Emma have a boy?

I shake my head, removing the sticky little fingers from my hand and shrug again. "I thought I'd stop in to meet him, since I won't be at the party."

"Oh," Beck hands the baby to Zoey again before wandering into the kitchen. While Beck sounds indifferent, Zoey almost looks... disappointed?

That can't be right.

Beck returns, a deli-meat sandwich in his hand, mouth stuffed with cheap, white bread. "Probably for the best since..."

As if thinking better of it, Beck shoves more food into his mouth, eyes flitting to everything in his view, except for me. Zoey closes her eyes, appearing almost grateful when Jack starts to cry.

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