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The waitress puts all our drinks in the middle of the table for us.

Isaiah, Ace and I instantly grab ours and pull it closer to ourselves, but Rose just sits there looking out of place. I'm not sure why, but her being that way makes me uncomfortable, but in a sad way.

Maybe she hates lemonade? Was I overstepping in some way ordering it for her? I saw the way her face lit up when Olivia mentioned it, so I assumed she was just too shy to order one.

But maybe I misread her expression and she doesn't like lemonade at all.

Dammit, I should have asked first.

"Do you not like pink lemonade?" I ask leaning closer to her.

Isaiah and Ace are busy talking among themselves about some movie they watched the other night.

"I've never had one, so I don't know."

Her answer takes me by surprise, I guess I did misread her face. It was plain old curiosity, not excitement over the drink. I grab it and slide it closer to her.

"Try it, and if you don't like it I can order you something else." I offer.

Her slender hands reach out for the drink.

I watch her expectantly as she takes the first sip. Her face scrunches up and my gut sinks a little knowing I ordered her a drink she doesn't like. I shift my body looking for the waitress, so I can order Rose something else, but then her face levels out and she beams up at me with a breathtaking smile.

"Like it?" I mouthed.

"Yeah." She whispers, keeping a smile on her face.

I don't know what this girl is doing to me. But just seeing her smile at me like that, it makes me feel like a damn hero.

Rose turns her attention back to her pink lemonade, stirring the ice cubes around with the straw. Her huge smile now turned into a smaller content one.

I feel one of the dumb asses across from me kick my shin, causing me to turn my eyes away from Rose to glare at my 'friends' in front of me.

Isaiah slides over a napkin with writing on it and I pick it up confused. After reading what he wrote I quickly crumple it up and shove it in my pocket, this ass really just told me to stop staring at his cupcake like a crazed stalker.

I'm about ready to jump across this table and shove his face down a toilet. But I restrain myself out of respect for Rose and this establishment, so instead I grab the pen that was in front of him and write a letter back.

I'll have your head on a stick if you don't knock it the fuck off.

And slide it across to him.

He read it and mocked hurt with his hand over his heart, then his face turned to one of fake sorrow, confusing the shit out of me, that is until he turned to Rose. "Cupcake, look what Blake did. He threatened to kill me for no reason." Isaiah holds the napkin up in front of her while continuing to be sad.

A sad, that Ace and I know is an act, but by the wide eyes Rose is looking at the letter with, I highly doubt she does.

My grip around the pen tightens, this guy is really testing my patience right now. And I'm just about at the end of my rope.

"I was joking." I try to make my voice light, to convince Rose I wasn't serious about killing him. Although, now I wonder if I at least shouldn't drive him into the middle of the woods and leave him there for a few days.

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