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I know she didn't tell her whole story. But I wasn't about to push her further than she was comfortable with sharing today.

While I held her in my arms my chest ached in a way I've never felt before. It's a hopeless feeling, when the thing that hurts the person you care so deeply for is in the past, and there's nothing you can do to change it.

I wish I was there for her then. I wish I met her sooner.

But I wasn't there to protect her. So I just held her, and hoped I could ease some of the lingering pain. I was ready to kill when she described some of the things her brother did to her. The only thing that calmed me down is when she said he's in another state.

It's still not far enough away though, people like him shouldn't be walking the same earth as her.

I feel like shit for ignoring the signs, I didn't want to acknowledge them. But when I walked in the door and heard Ace talking, I knew what he was doing. Because deep down I knew something really fucked up happened to her.

"You ok?" Ace asks me.

Rose eventually fell asleep in my arms, the crying wore her out.

"No." I laugh out bitterly, trying not to disturb the sleeping beauty in my arms.

"How the hell am I supposed to be ok after hearing all that shit?" My voice grumbles.

"I wouldn't expect you to be. But she'll be ok. She's got you now." Ace once told Isaiah and I that we were his saving grace when he was living in that hell of a home. He said if it wasn't for us he would have lost his will to live, but he didn't want to leave us. And that kept his head above water long enough for him to start living for himself.

Rose didn't have anyone when she was going through all that crap for years, and I wonder how she found the courage to wake up every morning.

"I think I love her." I choked out. "And it scares the shit out of me." I look down to the girl curled up to me, sleeping peacefully, face snuggled into my chest.

What the hell am I supposed to do now? What happens if she doesn't like me, or she leaves? How does one prepare themselves for the moment someone walks off with a piece of your heart and never brings it back?

"Blake- don't ruin this by overthinking. She likes you too, I can see it. But she's been through a lot, she might be hesitant to trust anyone." Ace tries to assure me.

"What do I do if she never loves me back?" The thought is almost crippling, I need her. I see her smiling face everytime I close my eyes. She invades my every thought.

"You can't worry about that. Don't think long term, she's here with you now, opening up to you. Just be here for her." Ace says things like a motivational speaker sometimes, and it pisses me off.

"Listen, enjoy the moments now. Because whether she leaves or stays, you'll regret not making the most of of every moment you have with her." Ace firmly squeezes my shoulder in reassurance.

Fuckers speaking the truth too. No matter what happens, if I have her forever, or just a few weeks, all I can do is make the most out of everyday until then.

"Stop speaking like that, it's freaking me out." I grunt.

Ace only speaks like this when he's extremely serious, last time was when he gave Isaiah an earful for almost getting hit by a train. Ace is a prime example of not being mad, only disappointed when something serious happens.

Fighting for RoseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora