chappie eight: porcelain

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At home. Yona's room to be exact is where her home was because that's where she was the most calm, besides the tub where the soothing waters trickled over body as thoughts that never filled her mind out outside, had filled her mind in the shower. A personal and comfortable sanctuary.

She dropped her bag, closed the door with her back slumped against it, and walked towards her bed. Her body flopped down on the messy bed to stare up at the ceiling with an exhausted sigh leaving her mouth. Who knew school and the minimal interactions with her peers would leave her so mentally drained.

I really am a loner. Sun rays kissed her skin as she turned her body to the window. Her eyes squinted to shield her vision from the blinding light. They fluttered closed to leave her staring at pitch black. In complete darkness, images of the firework show flashed through her mind.

Those guys were so sweet. The once lonely night turned into gleeful moment where she actually laughed and enjoyed herself. Those moments were rare. They hadn't happened since she was younger, free to think and believe in anything her heart desired. Getting older makes those cherishable moments harder to find with the incoming responsibilities being a first priority.

It was thanks to Saiki. Well, him and his friends, but with him there in the first place lead the other guys to finding them. He dismissed the kind act and yet he was still by her side the whole time.

Yeah because you were hanging onto him like a sloth to a tree. Yona opened her eyes with a startle. She remembered the soft cotton of a t-shirt in her fingers and it wasn't from her kimono. She knew that it was Saiki because ...strawberries. Last time they met at the market, Yona smelt the fresh scent of strawberries and it came from him.

I'm wierd. Her cheeks warmed. Only Toritsuka does this. She shook her head.

Speaking of the pervert, Toritsuka had proved to be more of an idiot than ever. He apologized profusely and tried to beg for her forgiveness with some sweet talk and a bag of cookies. Honesty was the way to go and telling him how she thought of him as a special friend to watch the fireworks show should have been the way to go.

But Yona, chose the cookies. She chose to forgive and forget in an instant if it meant him being happy. To keep Toritsuka in her grasp because she wanted the attention would be selfish. He wasn't hers and she wasn't his. Keeping a grudge over a silly thing wasn't worth the energy. She simply smiled and accepted it.

...Another part of her wished to be honest with him and spared him the embarrassment of being rejected. That her being with him was already enough. To hug his arm and share a single moment of joy as they watched the fireworks together, both getting what they each wanted. Him getting a cute girl on his arm and she, the attention--

"Food is ready!" Yona's dear dad called.

Moving on from her dull mood, Yona sat up and walked off to the kitchen where her dad sat with a bowl of healthy food. Across from him was the exact remedy that Yona needed. Some good old comfort food and a can of soda right next to it.

"You need to relax more." He extended his hand out to the food.

"If only. Life's not that easy, dad."

"Life's never easy." Her dad shook his head, "Trust me, school was never my thing either, but here I am conquering life and being at my best. Besides, you're smart!" His smile was fond. "I know you can get through it. Oh, make sure to keep a look out while I'm in my office, I ordered you a new pair of shoes for your upcoming sports festival. Your mother might not make it, but I'll try to."

Nodding, Yona picked at her food. She didn't respond as she didn't need to. Her parents always gave her the time and day, spoiling her with whatever she wanted. As a teenager, this only lessened because her parents had to work, but nonetheless still spoiled her.

Another gift, Yona folded her lips in a mere smile at her father and joined him. Though he was a good man and someone she loved, part of her wished he could understand that relaxing wasn't a choice. However, him being stubborn and always somehow getting in the last word about knowing her, she simply smiled and accepted it.


"I'll be back, dad!" Yona called out and put her shoes on as she closed the front door. It was barely the afternoon and that meant that the store that offered the most greatest deals was still open.

"Keep your phone on and text me when you get there!" Her mother who was home called out.

Yona walked through the streets, alone out in the world, but still caught up in the one her parents made for her.


I failed two exams...but I got some orders and made extra money!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:* Majestic |Saiki K. x Reader|*:・゚✧*:・゚✧  Where stories live. Discover now