chappie twelve: talking

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Steam rose from the drops of water trailing down Yona's refreshed body

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Steam rose from the drops of water trailing down Yona's refreshed body. Her cheeks felt warm from the heat of the relaxing hot springs. She sighed in delight now that her aching muscles had been soothed that she didn't notice the lurking eyes trying to catch a glimpse of her and the other girls in her class.

Wrapping her robe around her, Yona hummed her way through the halls. Though her body relaxed, her mind was scrambling around so many things. The way Teruhashi acted during their way back to the hotel was odd and if hadn't been all giddy with Toritsuka's presence, she probably would've caught on sooner. Darn that pervert and his charisma.

Her stomach grumbled. Yona stopped walking and looked around for a vending machine. Turning to a corner, her lips curled up in a small smile at the sight of a vending machine filled with snacks of different types. She reached in her robe to grab some coins and entered them in the tiny slot. Pushing the middle button to get the packages of —-

Pocky. Her eyes lit up at the chocolate sticks. Yona bent down to grab the snack, but as she came up, she flinched at the sight of another person behind her.

"Saiki?" Her voice soft, she gave him a sheepish smile looking over his robe covered form, "I figure you had a good time at the springs too? It built up an appetite for me."

"Sure." He nodded. His eyes narrowed on hers to which she looked away and crossed her arms over her chest as if feeling exposed. Yona stepped back to give him space in case he wanted to get himself a snack. He didn't and that's what caused to try and clear the silence.

" are you liking this trip?" She asked, unsure of this little interaction, but curious at the same time.

"It's been interesting." He closed his eyes, bringing a hand behind his neck, "—and a pain." His eyes opened to see the girl matching his tired expression.

"You're telling me." Yona shook her head.

"You're close with Toritsuka." Saiki stated. It wasn't a question from the way he said it so Yona nodded.

"I guess." She smiled for a second before her lips formed in a thin line, "Speaking of which, he does mention you sometimes. Do you two have a prob-"

"No...but he is the pain I'm talking about and he is a problem." Saiki narrowed his eyes. "Since you two are close, I'm assuming he's probably asked what your guardian spirit is, right?"

"Yeah he's mentioned it, but I never cared too much about knowing." Yona bit the Pocky in her hand. She grew more curious as to why Saiki was approaching her.

"Do you believe him? That he has the ability to see them." Saiki focused on the pupils of her eyes that tended to dilate at the mention of the perverted idiot. This happened when she saw Saiki himself, but the psychic chose to believe that it was due to the lighting above them. After all, he only approached her because of the idiot.

"Yes." Yona replied quickly. "I hear him talking to himself sometimes and I used to assume that he had issues, but..." She paused, eyes lowered to the ground with the pocky stick in her mouth. Her brows knitted together and in a quick second, she blinked up at Saiki with a blank expression, "He hugged me and after he did, I saw something in his eyes like relief and long story short, he told me who my guardian spirit was and I believed him. He could've lied to make a pass at me and yet he didn't."

Yona put her hand to her chest and felt the rapid beating of her heart. She couldn't stop the smile growing on her lips at the memory. It was the first time someone had attempted to have a genuine conversation with her and with Toritsuka's ability, she was able to acknowledge the little things her parents did and why they did them. Ever since that day, she wanted to hold onto that budding friendship and with every passing day, appreciate the growth of it.

Saiki saw the soft flicker in her eyes and tensed. He saw those memories like an old record playing from a projector. Well that was different from the Toritsuka he sees everyday. The one in his reality was a complete fool and here he was in this girl's mind acting like the perfect gentleman and a worthy companion.

"You really like the idiot." Another statement.

Yona brought her head up, "So what?"

"Nothing. I'm not judging you or anything, the way he is with any girl would disgust anyone. Why put up with that?" Saiki raised a brow.

"He isn't always like that." Yona defended. "Reita isn't all that bad." She shook her head, a question on her mind, "But while we're talking about him, I question his problem with you." Yona sighed, "Your name has only come up twice, but there's something about it that spooks Toritsuka." She put a finger to her lips and tapped, "Is it because you..."

Saiki bit his cheek.

"...have a bad spirit?" Yona questioned.

Saiki shrugged. He looked to the side with a weary frown. Yona may be observant to some extent, but Saiki was relieved that she had that emotional side to her that blinded her judgement.

"Thought so. I figured that Reita saw a bad spirit from you and tried to comfort you about it." Yona chuckled, "Plus, you don't smile a lot." Yona chuckled, seeing a flash of annoyance cross Saiki's face. She uncrossed her arms, handing her box of Pocky to Saiki with a yawn, "Here. I'm getting tired and you don't look like you're going to get something to eat anytime soon."

"I don't believe in your attempts to get favors." Saiki tried to push the box back to her.

Yona stopped him by placing her palms above his and offering him a lazy smile. He stared at her with a neutral expression, "Then believe in me being nice." They still stared at one another, "Cherish this moment, Saiki. I'm not always trying to get a favor out of you." Except maybe seeing you smile, Saiki heard the thought echo.

Before Yona stepped away, a hand caught her wrist and pulled her close. She gasped when something touched her lips, a single stick of Pocky. Her eyes widened in bewilderment at the smirking Saiki. She tried to come up with something to say, pull away from him and questioned the bold action. All she did was stare at the tinted glasses covering his eyes, trailing to the locks of pink hovering above the top of her forehead and the cute accessories she now noticed on his head. Things she didn't pay that much attention to, now that she had the chance, she did. Time didn't slow and it didn't pass quick either, the moment between them was just happening.

"I guess I have to keep that in mind. Goodnight, Lin." Saiki let go of her wrist to turn away, leaving the speechless girl to stare after him in confusion and a bit of endearment.

Saiki had the ability to see the likability for others, but didn't care to pay attention to his own. If he had, he would've seen the number increase for Yona. As did hers for him.

The entire chapter:
Kusuo: 👁👁
Yona: 👁👁

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