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"So, this is how it works, I ask you a question and you answer. If you don't want to answer, you drink. Then, you ask me a question, if I don't answer I drink. Okay?"

"I don't know, I talk a lot when I'm drunk."
"So what's your favorite color?"

"Blue, but not like the sky. Like the ocean."
"So you're adopted? Do you know your bio parents?"

"Why do the girls at school hate you so much?"

"So you and Isaiah have never..." She trailed off and I giggled, shaking my head.

"Nope." I popped the 'p', taking a sip of the drink. Oh wait, I answered her. I didn't need to drink. "He's stuck by my side through everything."

"Like what?" She asked and my eyes widened. Well, honey. It's a long list.

"No, no, no, it'sss my turn." I slurred, reminding her that she just asked me a question. "Silly goossse."

"Okay, I'm sorry. Go ahead." She said and I rubbed my hands together. I scooted myself around so I could get comfortable on the counter.

"What's with Remington? I mean, like what's his deal? Remember from twilight when Bella said Edward's mood swings gave her whiplash? Like that's me right now. Sometimes he can be smirking and cocky and the next he's growling and angry. He so serious." I said pouting my bottom lips and Maria laughed.

"I think you should ask him that, but maybe he just likes you." She said with a shrug and I snorted. This girl is funny.

"No, he doesn't. The school calls me a slut and besssidesss... he's very handsome. And I'm... I'm not handsome." I frowned and Maria laughed at me, shaking her head.

"Well, I think you're very handsome." She nodded. I couldn't even tell if her eyes were still open. I gonna climb up here, that looks comfy. "And maybe he does too."

"Or maybe he just is trying to see if the rumors are true? You know? Cause some guys are horrible." I shook my head and she nodded.

"If what rumors are true? I'm new, I didn't get to hear any rumorsss." She hiccuped a bit and we both laughed.

"Well, they call me a slut for a reason. It's like the people that were my friends before, didn't care about me after." I frowned and Maria frowned too, mimicking my expressions. "But Isaiah, he was still my bestest friend."

"After what?" Maria asked, leaning in and her eyes getting wide.

"Well after I came back, silly!" I told her and she still looked confused. Ugh, she needed to keep up. "From the caves. From the guys. After they saved me. The men in blue, so serious. They gave me a blanket." I smiled, remembering how warm the blanket was after I was carried out of the cold caves.

"Oh my god, like, like cops?" She asked, her eyes wide and blinking fast. I nodded quickly.

"Yeah, they found me after so long and I wasn't sick anymore." I smiled and she looked at me like I was crazy.

"What do you mean sick?"

"Well, I was sick, so the guys from the caves gave me medicine. Then, I went to sleep. But we only slept in the day." I told her and she nodded, hiccuping again.

"What happened at night?" She asked, completely into my story. Someone is interested in me besides Isaiah. I will tell her.

"Well, the guys pushed us out and dressed us up all pretty and then guys would buy." I shrugged, climbing all the way on top of the surface and lying down. It feels so nice up here.

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