Chapter One

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Now, where to begin?

The first thing you need to know

is that my mother named me Josephine.

She insisted on it, in fact!

since Little Women came out, my mother has been oozing out with love for the book!

she believes that everyone should think as Jo does

 I know it's an unusual name,

especially in the 1800 century England

and my sister's name is even weirder!

its Enola,

And Enola spelled backward

reads, well,


 She would continually tell me...

"You'll do very well on your own, Jo".

and yet we were never apart.

My father died when I was young.

about two per se maybe three

I don't really remember him. 

Enola says I look just like him. 

she's two years older, she remembers him a little better than I do

And both my brothers left home soon after.

I barely remember them, either.

So then it was just the three of us,

and it wasn't splendid.

Mum preferred Enola

She was not an ordinary mother.

She didn't teach me to string seashells or practice my embroidery. 

She did to Enola though she hated it. 

she always told Enola

"if I die early, you will be looking after your sister. which means you have to learn things for yourself"

and we did different things. 

Reading, science, sports, all sorts of exercise, both physical... and mental.

Mother said we were free to do anything at Ferndell and be anyone.

Enola and Mum were my whole world.

But she didn't share everything with me.

Mother believed privacy was the highest virtue, and the one most frequently violated.

This leads me to the second thing you need to know.

A week ago, on the March morning of my 16th birthday, I awoke...

"Mother?" I looked around the house...

To find that my mother was missing.

She'd left Ferndell Hall, our home,

at some point during the night.

"Enola?" I called her "we need to speak privately" she came down the stairs.

"what's wrong?" she asked

"Mum's missing. I think its time to call Sherlock and Mycroft" she shook her head


She left me with little, bar some gifts that she instructed Mrs. Lane to give me at teatime.

Beautiful really.

but she should've given them to me herself.


The third thing you need to know

is that Enola and I are presently on the way to collect my brothers,

Mycroft and Sherlock,

Sherlock Holmes.

The famous detective, scholar, chemist, virtuoso violinist, expert marksman, swordsman, singlestick fighter, pugilist, and brilliant deductive thinker.

He will have all the answers.

we walked to the train.  

"there they are" Enola said, excitedly. she giggled.

they walked by us

"Mr. Holmes? And, um, Mr. Holmes?" I said. the two turned


"Did you send for us?"

"You sent a telegram."

"Asked us to meet you here?" Enola and I said back and forth

And the fifth thing you need to know is that they haven't seen me in quite some time.


Josephine Amelia HolmesWhere stories live. Discover now