Chapter Seven

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"The Holmes Sisters! It is you, isn't it? Why are you two dressed like powder puffs?" I laughed "Oh, my! Jo, You look the spit of him, your dad" she told me 

"You recognize me?" I asked 

"Of course I do. I was your first teacher. Don't you remember?" she proceeded to flip me. I grabbed her leg and lifted her up to pin her down "You've progressed nicely, I can see." I helped her up  "You two are alone? In London?"

"Yes. There was a couple of useless boys. but we rid ourselves of them" I rolled my eyes at Enola

"you liked them didn't you" she asked me

"I did so, one was rather interesting. The other made me want to punch a wall repeatedly" Edith giggled. I looked down as Enola glared at me

"where's our mum? we're looking for her" Enola said. I looked away. I felt Edith's eyes on me

"can I talk to you?" Edith asked me. I nodded and we walked to the main room. 

"everything alright?" I asked 

"Listen... I don't think Enola would care for what I'm about to say but please hear me out."

"of course"

"Jo...If you wanna stay in London, be tough, live the life... but don't do it because you're looking for someone."

I looked up. 

she put her hand on my shoulder

"...Do it because you're looking for yourself." she left. I ran after her

"Edith?" I asked. she turned

"yes, Jo?" 

" exactly would one go about that?" 

"about what?" she asked me. 

"you know...looking for yourself" I replied.

"Eudroia has always favorited your sister. she continued to do so... didn't she" I looked up to Edith. I didn't disagree "Enola has found herself. through your mum. but you never got the chance since they were always together. while you were off reading, they were doing something without you." a tear rolled down my face. "it looks like you've suffered a lot of trauma." I looked at her. "you need to experience things every teenager does! look, I live around here, if you ever need a place to stay... you know where I am." she smiled and walked away

"thank you!" I yelled to her. I walked back to Enola.

"are you alright?" she asked. I nodded, I looked around the room.

Josephine Amelia HolmesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora