Chapter 8 - Duty Calls, Ava!

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D(A.N: Omg! Thank you all so much for 350+ reads. But seriously, WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED?! I really can't thank you enough! But I do have some serious news. Updates will be slower since the holidays have ended for me and school will be starting again. Plus I am very easily distracted. One of my friends is also forcing me to watch the anime 'Banana Fish' and finish it. I am close to finishing it - only 7 episodes left. ANYWAY, I digress... ENJOY THIS CHAPTER! Also, fair warning! There will be swearing. Thank you!) 


N/n = Nickname

(f/c) = Favorite Color

3rd Pov

It was 8 pm. Everyone was asleep. Everyone except a kill-happy daemos. Stealthily, Leif made his way through the daemos-wall-palace-thing, through Ava's living room, and into the female's bedroom. His body looming over Ava's sleeping figure, Leif held his sickle high in the air, ready to strike the innocent soul. He brought his weapon down only to clang with a differing weapon. An orange dagger? Leif looked up and met face to face with Noi, who also had his weapons drawn. 

"You! What are you doing here?" Leif and Noi whisper-yelled at the same time. 

"I'm here to kill her, what does it look like?" Leif clarified. 

"No, you aren't, because I'm going to kill her!" Noi argued.

"You?" Leif chuckled, muttering 'that's a good one!' under his breath.

"Hey, what's so funny? I've done it before!"

"You're too weak to do it properly! A human this nice and powerful deserves to be ended by me! Besides, you always hesitate!"

"I do not!" 

"I thought you liked her!"

"I do but she also scares me with how powerful she is! Plus she knows a very powerful sorceress friend! We met her and she managed to disarm Prince Asch! At that time, Ava was vulnerable and Y/n helped her. For all we know, Ava could be stronger than Y/n! Who knows what she could do to us? Besides, if I kill her, then you all have to acknowledge that I'm better than everyone here!" (A.n: Sorry for the huge chunk, I don't want Y/n to be left out of the convo.)

"Please, you'll never be on my level! I'm trained to do this! You got to be one of Asch's knights because he felt pity!"

"Shut up. I can do this!" Noi raised his dagger and looked at the sleeping Ava, eyes squinting in anger. But he hesitated, softening his eyes as his grip on his dagger loosened. 

"See, you hesitate," Leif said smirking one of those 'I told you so, motherfucker' smirks.

"Shut up!" Noi defended. Just then, Rhys entered the room quite furious.

"What are you two doing in here?" Rhys asked, "If she wakes up, she's going to kill us!"

"All the more reason for us to kill her first!" Leif argued, earning a 'You mean me' from Noi.

"You two are acting like complete children! You're both being rash and not thinking about the consequences that are to come if you kill this human!" Rhys scolded, "Not only that but you are both disobeying Asch's orders and Y/n's rules! From what we know now, Sorceress Y/n cares a lot for Sorceress Ava and, when we first arrived, threatened our lives if we were to harm her companion. Prince Asch's orders were to keep the humans as prisoners! Y/n's one rule was that we were not to harm Ava! Yet you both-"

"Yeah, yeah," Leif cut Rhys off, "We can just kill Y/n later! As for Asch's orders, Ava can be a dead prisoner!"

"A useful prisoner," Rhys corrected. 

A Sorceress? Witch? Or Daemos Royalty? (My Inner Demons x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now