👨‍👩‍👧 Chapter 12 - Dad?! Mum?! Uncles?! 👨‍👨‍👧

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(s/o/c) = Symbol Of Choice

(f/c) = Favorite Color

(h/l) = Hair length

(h/c) = Hair Color

(e/c) = Eye Color

(N/n) = Nickname (For Best friends like Ava)

3rd POV

In an office, people stood to discuss something. One man with light blue hair and eyes, one man with grey hair and emerald eyes, a woman with brown hair and green eyes, and a male with burgundy hair and brown eyes. 

"No doubt, that's absolutely Ava," the woman said, swiping to a different picture. The picture was the one of Asch and Y/n giving each other the death stare. The woman looked to the burgundy-haired male before saying, "And this is definitely Y/n."

"I thought you said your daughters didn't have any social media," the light-blue-haired male questioned.

"She didn't," The grey-haired male answered, the burgundy-haired male humming in agreement.

"I don't think Y/n and Ava having a social media presence will be a problem to the campaign but," the woman explained, " I brought this to your attention because I got concerned about something my daughter saw..."

"Are the girls alright?" The grey-haired male asked.

"My daughter mentioned she found Ava's account because she saw a picture of a hot guy wearing horns. She clicked it and it brought her to the account. I originally passed this off as a Photoshop or something, but that background..." the woman explained.

"It's Ava's apartment." The grey-haired male noted. 

"Maybe Ava and Y/n had friends over and they photoshopped the picture and made her an account?" The light-blue-haired male pondered.

"That is a possibility! After all, Y/n is pretty good at anything with technology," The burgundy-haired male confirmed.

"No, this caption is definitely Ava. I can tell she's been spending too much time on the internet." The grey-haired male denied.

"I just thought I should bring this to your attention. Now let's talk about what we need to do next for-." But the woman was interrupted.

"I'm taking the remainder of the day off." The grey-haired man said, shocking his peers. "Yeah, I need a break and I need to catch up with Leon, here," he said, gesturing to the burgundy-haired male, "Besides, we've got most of the work squared away for the day. In fact, let's all take off and get a fresh start tomorrow."

"Thank you, sir," the light-blue-haired male thanked.

"But what about your campaign?" The woman asked.

"One half-day isn't going to kill us. Now please, allow us to have a moment," Leon said.

"Yes sir," The woman and the light-blue-haired male said before taking off back to their homes.

"So, what do you think is going on?" The grey-haired male asked Leon.

"To be honest, I have not the slightest clue. I am worried though; it's not like Y/n to start an Instagram account." Leon explained.

"I think we should investigate." The grey-haired male said.

"Great idea, Andrew! I'll call Cleo," Leon said, taking his phone out of his pocket, dialing a number, and walking into the next room.

A Sorceress? Witch? Or Daemos Royalty? (My Inner Demons x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now