6. Cigarette-Tongue

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I groan when the sunlight hits my eyes. I roll over in what feels like the most comfortable bed in the world.

"Yo, Princesa." I hear a warm voice.

I groan again. Not now, mom!

"Ay, do you wanna eat or not?"

Wait.. that's not my mom's voice. Not even close.

I open my eyes and hovering over me is Aron's perfect face.

"Good morning." He smirks.

I shoot up from the bed. 

"WHAT THE HELL!" I exclaim. 

I look around the large white room with wooden flooring. It looks hella expensive. This must be Fuckboy's house. 

WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING HERE?! Did Aron and I.. Last night..?

"You slept like a baby, didn't you? I tried to wake you before but you didn't respond at all. We missed two periods. Though I'm sure you don't mind." 

"What am I doing here?!" I ask, much more fearful than I meant it to sound. My heart is beating fast with anxiety.

Aron chuckles. "No worries, you were drunk last night so I took you home."

I look down at the linen bed sheets and then I notice I'm only wearing my underwear and a shirt that is not my own.

I look into his eyes. 

"Did we..?" 

"No, we didn't" 

Thank God.

"You just threw up on yourself so I had to change your clothes." 


"Oh and you think that's better? You can't just take off someone's clothes!" 

Who knows what kind of other shit he did to me while I was unconscious?! 

"So I should've just let you make my sheets all dirty? Not even the good kind of dirty.."

"You're disgusting." I say, actually getting sick to my stomach. I try to get up but Aron blocks me. 

"Let me go." I say quietly. I feel tears starting to come so I look away. 

"I'm sorry, okay? Hey.." Aron grabs my face and forces me to look at him. I'm sure my eyes look like puddles of water by now. 

"I promise you, I didn't do anything." His earnest look calms me.

I nod and he lets go of me. 

I try to calm myself. I don't want anyone to see this side of me. I thought it was gone..

"Here," Aron hands me a glass of green goo with a straw in it. 

"What's that?" I make a face. 

"It'll help with your hangover. Come on." 

"Ha, I'm not drinking that." I refuse.

"Come on, Princess. Be a big girl now." 

"Stop calling me that." 

"Stop acting like a princess then. Drink it." He pushes it in my hands.

I sigh and take the glass from him. I sip the green sludge and it is surprisingly a lot better than it looks. 


Aron smirks. "I knew you'd like it."

He then lights a cigarette and I'm reminded of last night. I had a little blackout before but I instantly remember. We kissed last night. 

"Everything okay? You look like you're gonna faint."

"I might." I mumble as I remember the taste of his cigarette-tongue. 

I can't help but look at his plump lips as he exhales the smoke. The smell is strong and rich. 

Kinda like him. 

"Do you want one?" He laughs. 

Fuck! I was staring.

"N-no. I'm good." 

"Suit yourself." He speaks with the cigg in his mouth as he scrolls through his phone. He looks serious as he reads whatever's on his phone. Frown lines forming on his face. It looks like a still from a movie or a model shoot or something. It's so unfair that people like him claim all the beauty in the world. 

"Alright," He gets up from the bed. "You going to school or are you sitting this one out?" 

"Definitely not going." I shiver at the idea of having to see my friends or Loren.. or anyone, really. On top of that, I'm not sure I can make it a whole day without throwing up. I'm a terrible drinker but still I do it time and time again. 

"Okay. See you later, then. You can stay here as long as you like." He says casually as he walks out the door. 

Why would he let a near stranger stay in his house unsupervised? I don't hear any other sound so I don't think his parents are home. Then again, maybe he doesn't have parents. He totally seems like the kind of guy to just live on his own at sixteen. Is he even sixteen? He could pass for twenty-one with how tall he is and his eyes. They look like they've seen a lot for some reason. 

Suddenly Aron walks back into the room. 

"I forgot something." He says as he stands by the bed. 

He leans down and suddenly his lips crash onto mine. His cold rings contrast his warm hand on my face as he almost pulls me up from the bed with how tight he's holding me. 

I can't stop my heart from beating so damn fast as I taste his cigarette breath again. 

I can't bring myself to pull away or slap him even though I know I'll wish I had later. 

Then he pulls away and his eyes look serene and pleased. 

"See ya." 

And with that he walks out of the room. A while later I hear the front door close with a bang. 


I run as fast as I can. I don't even bother to search for my clothes. Aron's will do. I need to get out of here. 

I run down the endless stairs of Aron's apartment-building. I don't want to see him ever again! Why the hell is my heart beating so fucking fast! I thought I didn't have a heart! I sold it, so many years ago. I haven't felt this way in so long and all of a sudden this fucking fuckboy comes along and changes it. 

Those walls. My walls that I built so fucking high so that no one could hurt me again... and he just smashes right through with those fucking eyes. I can't control myself when he looks at me. And he smells so good, it's not fair! I have to get out of here. 

I finally get to the street but then I realize I don't have my fucking car. It's at Shawn's house. Great. Awesome. So either I have to magically become some super ninja so I can get it back before Shawn shows up, or, I have to accept that I'll never see it again!

"Fuck!" I pant. 

I have to get my car. Which means, I have to face the boys. Let's just hope that fuckboy won't be there.

Ghosts Of The Past [BoyxBoy] ✓Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora