4. Princess

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My gray shirt is billowing in the wind. I twirl my bracelets around my finger. I'm sitting on a bench right outside the school. Class is about to start but I can't stop thinking.. The guys invited Aron to the party on Sunday. They did it this morning. Decided to give him a ride to school instead of me. I do have my own car but still! I thought we were supposed to be friends.. Or something. Ever since school started I've felt like things have been changing. Not in a good way.

"Hey, Sky." I hear a cheerful male voice from behind me.

I resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"I've been thinking about you."

I roll my eyes.

"Chase, can't you just leave me alone? We had sex once. Get over it."

"But I'm sure it meant something. It has to have meant something to you too!" He pushes.

Damn, I wish we could go back to the time he was actually scared of me. He wouldn't say obscene stuff like this.

"Chase," I try to be nice and smile for him as I say this.

He sits down next to me on the bench. He's so close that I can smell his minty breath and his strong cologne.

"I fucking hate you." Too bad I don't have self control.

I get up.

"Leave me alone!" I yell listlessly as I walk into the school.

I make it to the classroom just before the bell rings.

"Saved by the bell, Mr. Sky." The woman in front of the class says.

I ignore whatever teacher this is and sit down next to some random guy. None of the guys follow this class so I guess I'm on my own today.

"Alright, let us commence—"

The teacher is interrupted by the door abruptly opening. I sigh. It's Aron.

He doesn't say anything. He just hands the teacher a note.

She nods and continues the class.

What the hell is that? Special treatment much?

Aron slowly walks into my direction. He's chewing gum in the most obnoxious, douchiest way. He stands next to the guy beside me.

"Move." Is all he says and the guy swiftly stands up from his seat and practically runs to the other side of the room.



"Yeah, hi." I cut him off. I continue to stare out the window. Who does he think he is? That other guy did nothing wrong. He doesn't deserve this—

Wait.. since when do I care?

"Mr. Sky, are you taking notes?" The teacher looks my way expectantly.

"I.. uh.." Forgot my pens again. I sigh.

The teacher turns away annoyed. "As I was saying.." She continues without another word.

"Here," Aron hands me a pencil.


I start writing down what the teacher is saying. Then I'm on a trail of thought again. I think about my life. How I got to where I am right now. All that has happened so far. Only bad things, it seems.

"Jesus, are you trying to deep-throat the pencil?"

I look up from the paper I was zoned-out on. "Huh?"

"You were shoving that entire thing up your mouth." Aron laughs.

Oh. I must have been biting it. I always do that for some reason. He doesn't seem to mind about his pencil, though.

I look at Aron. This is the first time since he got here I've seen him laugh. It's magnetic.

"Um," Is all I manage to say.

His brown eyes are gleaming with joy. I'm stuck looking at them for a moment. His dark lashes are long and straight. He's beautiful.

"Sky and Aron, pay attention, please." The teacher interrupts.

I snap out of my trance.

What the hell was that?


It's lunch time. I walk into the cafeteria. Everyone is at our usual table, only there's one person extra.

"Oh my God, Aron!" Loren shrieks as she playfully slaps his arm. She's sitting on his fucking lap.

I don't know why but I'm angered by this.

"Loren, what the fuck." I stay calm.

"Baby.. We're just playing." Can she at least pretend not to be a total fucking whore?

"Just playing? By hopping on his dick?" I clench my jaw in anger.


I lose it.

"Don't you DARE call me that!" I step closer to her, ready to hit her in the fucking face.

Shawn pulls me back.

"Yo, calm down, man."

"Fuck off." I push Shawn aside.

I can't fucking take this. I turn around and walk out of the cafeteria.

I'm so angry but it has nothing to do with Loren. I could give a fuck less about what she does. But still, somehow.. I'm raging and I don't know why.

I walk onto the football field that is lit up by the golden sun. I can tell someone is following me.

"Leave me alone!" I scream at Shawn.

"Well, obviously we need to talk, don't we?" A warm voice speaks.

To my surprise it's not Shawn who came after me but Aron. Of course. Fucking Aron.

"Leave me alone! " I walk faster, all the way to the back of the shed. Where no one can find me.

Then Aron appears again.

"What's your problem?" He asks in the calmest of fashions.

It angers me more.

"You really don't know? You are the fucking problem! Ever since you came to this fucking school!" I lose my cool and push him hard. He smashes against the fence behind him.

He sighs and almost looks bored.

"Look, I'll stay away from your girlfriend."

"I don't care about her!"

"So what is this about then?!" He raises his voice. Making it sound ever huskier than normal. His face doesn't look blank like always. There's irritation both in his eyes and his forehead.

I look down at the ground, why am I noticing all this?

It angers me. It's maddening!

I push him again, harder this time.

He doesn't say anything. Instead he responds right away and pushes my back against the wall of the shed.

"Ah!" I feel a flinching pain in my back. I try to mask it.

Aron's hand is on my chest as he's got me pinned against the shed. I try to move but he's stronger than me.

"Listen Princess, I'm sick and tired of you whining and complaining for no reason all the time."

I can't think of a way to respond with his hand on me like this. The blood rushes through my body but I can't tell if it's from anger or..

"Quit your bitching, okay?"

He lets go of me and walks away.

I hold my hand to the pain on my chest and I can feel a bruise forming on my back too. I watch Aron as he walks off and I wonder what that fluttering inside my body is.

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