43. Angel // Gray Sky

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Summer break's over. 

I went back to Long-Cupz a few times to see if Sky was there but he never was. His friend, Harold told me that he took a break from work. 

I wonder if that's cause of Loren and the baby or something. Maternity leave. 

I get sick just thinking about it. How he's going to raise this baby with someone else. 

I drive into the school parking lot. School's starting again today.

I wonder if Sky will be there. Probably not. He's probably busy playing house with Loren. 

I walk into the classroom and say hello to the guys. 

"Yo, man. Long time no see." Shawn says upon seeing me. 

"Yeah, it's been a while." I say hi to all the guys and sit down with them in the classroom. 

I want to ask them about Sky. If they've heard from him or not but I don't. 

I'm lost in conversation with them when Mikey says: "Hey, it's Sky." 

My gaze shoots to the door and surely enough it's Sky walking in. I look at the clock. Class won't start for another ten minutes. 

He smiles when he spots us in the back corner. He comes our way and with every step my heart pounds faster. 

He's wearing a white T-shirt with his ever-present silver chain necklace and blue light-wash denim and white Converse. He looks like an angel.

"Hey guys," He smiles like he's really happy to see them.

He's glowing. 

Then he turns to me. "Aron." He smiles at me. I go weak. 

Sky gets cascaded with hellos and how are yous. Everyone lights up when he enters a room. That's Sky. 

Then class starts and we're asked to take a seat. Sky sits next to someone else.


It's lunchtime now and I'm sitting with the guys like always. The only one who isn't here is Sky. I look around me and wonder where he is. 

Then I spot him standing on a patch of grass. With Chase. 

I clench my teeth. If there's anyone I hate it's Chase. He's just fucking weak. I don't understand how Sky can stand to be around that idiot! Just seeing them together makes my blood boil. 

"Dude," Evan points at the can of coke in my hand. It's broken. Cola's spilling all over my hand. I toss it away and keep looking. 

They're talking. They're laughing. Chase is touching Sky's arm. He's not even flinching. 

"Aron, don't worry about them. Chase is like five. Do you really think Sky would date him?" Evan says. 

"It's not like he has much sense left anyway." I answer. 

Evan rubs my back in support. I move away. 

What if Sky starts dating Chase now? I couldn't take that. I really couldn't fucking take that. It hurts enough to think he'd be with Loren but with Chase? No. I couldn't do that. 

"Maybe you need to take a walk." Evan says in a comforting tone. 

I look into his earnest eyes. I sigh and get up. 

"Yeah, you're right." 

I walk off. 


We're three weeks into school and it's been going fine. Classes are pretty easy. What's not so easy is getting my mind off Sky. He keeps popping up every time I try to do.. anything. 

My dad's not making it any easier. He keeps asking about 'that blonde boy'. Why does he care? 

I walk into the boxing place I always go to, get changed and punch into the red sack. I let out all my frustration.

I've been going here for four months now. I used to box before the whole.. Sofía thing. I thought I'd pick it up again since it's a great way to let everything out. 

I punch into the bag with no restraint. Again and again and again.. Imagining Chase's face. I know. Not fair. He isn't really the person I'm mad at.. But he is the person I wanna punch so here I go, I guess. 

I think about Sky. About our breakup. I think about how long it took me to get out of bed, let alone out of the house after that. It broke me. Because I've never loved anyone as much as I love him. 

The first time I saw him in that shed. 

I was all alone. Smoking away in the darkness. And then he opened the door and light streamed in. He was like a fucking angel. Literally, the light of my life. I was in love with him immediately. And then I got to know him and I only fell deeper and deeper in love. And it got to a point where there was nothing he could do.. or tell me that would make me stop loving him. All of a sudden he was the center of my world. And.. maybe it's not exactly healthy.. but it's what keeps me here. It's what keeps me sane. 

..What kept me sane until we broke up. Now everything just feels so gray and pointless all the time. It's back to the way the world looked before he came into my life. Dark and gray. Like the shed. 

I hope he comes back to me. Every night I hope and pray Sky comes back to me.

Ghosts Of The Past [BoyxBoy] ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora