Build it Beaver

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(Y/n) POV

     It's a nice sunny, summer day in the forests of North America, now normally I would be looking for animals for Aviva to check out, but today, she asked the Kratt Brothers and I to test a new invention, and by the Kratt brothers and I, I mean Chris and myself. As a joke I asked Chris not to tell Martin what we're doing and see what happens, so here we are on a river that I mapped out for the test.

Chris: Ah, nothing better than canoeing an North Anerican river.

(Y/n): *relaxed breath* You said it. I love hanging around a river.

Martin: Except, when we're lost. Are you sure you know where we're going, (Y/n)?

(Y/n): Oh yeah, I mapped it all out. Hakuna Matata.

Martin: I could've sworn we took a wrong turn at that last bend in the river.

Chris: Trust us. This is a shortcut.

Martin: *slightly worried* Shortcut? *hears rushing water* Uh, that's a shortcut alright. A shortcut to a waterfall!

      I look down the river and there is indeed a waterfall coming up.

(Y/n): Aha! Told you it was around here, Chris.

Chris: Okay. You got me.

Martin: What do we do?

(Y/n): Paddle faster!

Martin: *frightened* Faster?!

Chris: *starts paddling* Go, bro! Go!

Martin: Okay, okay!

      We all paddle hard to get to the waterfall, where we launch off the edge, with Martin screaming all the way.

(Y/n): Now, Chris!

Chris: Testing emergency feature, now!

     Chris pushes a button and the canoe deploys a parachute and slows our decent, I then realize Martin is hanging on me for dear life, I simply chuckle.

(Y/n): *taps Martin* Uh, Martin. You can let go now.

Martin: *looks around* Oh, right. Sorry.

      Chris and I then burst into laughter as I see Martin's freaked out face.

Martin: Why didn't you tell me you guys were testing a new invention?!

(Y/n): *laughs really hard* That was priceless!

Chris: *laughing calms* I thought you liked surprises?

     Martin joins in as he realizes the joke, I calm down enough and show I was recording the whole thing and sent the video to HQ for laughs, Martin then grabs our attention.

Martin: Check it out. Looks like we're headed for a perfect landing.

*rope SNAPS*

     I look back and see the line connecting the parachute to the canoe snapped, I then looked at the ground and saw we were still high up and I look back at the brothers with concern.

(Y/n): Oh, no.

     We all scream as we fall several stories and crash land on, something woody. I come to a few seconds later and see nothing but branches around me and my creature pod ringing. I have to really work and press the answer button and I see Aviva on the other end of the call.

(Y/n): *groans* Hey, Aviva. What's up?

Aviva: *giggles* I was about to ask you that. Where are you?

(Y/n): You kinda had to be there to believe me, but I think I'm in a pile of branches. Hang on, I'll-! *starts pulling and pushing*

The New Crewmate (Male OC Reader x Aviva) (Wild Kratts)Where stories live. Discover now