The Food Chain Game

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(Y/n) POV

The brother's and I are hang gliding over the African savannah once again, and even though I'm merely using this to take my mind off certain things, I am actually having fun with the brothers.

Chris: Yeah! These Falcon Flyers are great for spotting animals on the African savannah!

Martin: They give us the ultimate bird's eye view!

(Y/n): Speaking of, bat eared fox, 12 o'clock!

We manage to land a ways away from one of the coolest foxes ever, in my opinion.

We manage to land a ways away from one of the coolest foxes ever, in my opinion

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Martin: Whoa, check out those ears. No wonder they're called bat eared foxes. Each one is as big as his face, just like a bat.

(Y/n): Yeah, those ears are like satellite dishes.

Martin: Hmm, what's he listening for?

*beep* *beep*

Suddenly, my Creature Pod sounds, indicating I got a message, this also got the fox's attention momentarily.

(Y/n): Oops.

Martin: *chuckles* Doubt it's that.

(Y/n): It's a message, from Aviva. "Guys, come back to the Tortuga HQ. Quick it's urgent!"

Martin: Yeah, yeah, sounds good, right after we see what this bat eared fox is up to.

Chris: Martin, Aviva said it's urgent. Could be an animal in danger, or the crew may have miniaturized themselves again.

(Y/n): We've gotta get back there, fast. Let's go.

We take off and fly back to the Tortuga, we land outside and rush into the main room.

Martin/Chris: What's going on?

(Y/n): Is there a creature to save?

Chris: A mystery to solve?

Martin: Bring it on.

I then look and see Aviva stop a stopwatch and tell Koki.

Aviva: See? I told you I could get them back here in less than two minutes.

Koki: Impressive.

(Y/n): Well, what's the emergency?

Aviva: The emergency is that you're late for the start of my game.

Martin/Chris/(Y/n): Game?

Aviva pulls us back outside as she says.

Aviva: Or you could call it a challenge. See, I'm building a food web to see how energy moves through the African ecosystem, and I knew you guys could help me with it. So, I made a game out of it.

Martin: Great, we love games.

Chris: And challenges.

(Y/n): So, how do we play?

The New Crewmate (Male OC Reader x Aviva) (Wild Kratts)Where stories live. Discover now