Rules suck but mine are kewl

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*Cough* Umm picture titles on top of chapters will be added later. I am literally everything in this award XD. From graphic designer to judge cut meh some slack XD XD.

Okay, here we are the most hated, filthy, nasty, time waisting chapter of any awards.....

Except mine because I am awesome!

So first off...

You don't have to perma follow me! Yes reader, go get champagne because we have something to celebrate tonight! XD XD jk jk. After the awards you can just throw your follow in the trash can, just as you do with your bad exam scores XD.

Also for the next revelation I need some drums!

*drum sounds*

Open the curtains my non existent assistant!


That is is right people tagging is optional! You no longer need to piss off other human beings when you want to enter an award

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That is is right people tagging is optional! You no longer need to piss off other human beings when you want to enter an award. We did people! we finally did it, we caused a new movement to appear at Wattpad! XD XD XD

But legit I am not doing this for necessarily for own gain that's why I did those 2 things above . If this gets big I will be surprised XD. I just wanna have some fun and give prizes XD. Not gonna lie I wanna feel special only if it is for 1 second XD XD.

Alright now for the boring rules list:

1. No bribing the Benji because if you don't look out I will bribe you instead XD.

2. It has to be under 50k reads, but BENJI! 45k reads is also a lot! Listen up my best buddy that a book has 45k reads doesn't mean that it is actually funny XD. I have a very advanced sense of humour all do I say so myself, so no biased stuff here XD.

3. Your story needs at least 6 chapters so that I can get the feel of it.

4. You can't rush me XD. You don't have to wait till death for a judge so be glad XD XD jk jk.

5. Of course lets joke around XD we are funny peeps after all!

6. I accept Mature and LGBTQ+ (I usually don't read the 2nd one, but imma go more open minded for this one I guess XD)

7. Humour has to be the main theme not a sub genre. I allow humour with other sub genre added to it. like a humour fantasy for example XD.

Edit: I became more lenient on this rule. Humour is allowed to be a sub genre, but it needs to be somewhat, of course having humour as the main genre is going to up the chances of winning though.

8. (I had to add this real quick ngl XD) Your book has to be a original story book so now joke/poem and fanfiction sorries Don't kill me XD

Just a little extra thing I am "Script style friendly" meaning that I won't be flaming or ridiculing you just because you write in a different style. If your story is amazing then you also have a change at winning just like the rest XD.

Oh that was shorter than expected XD.

Oh well...

Now on to the chapter, we all have been waiting for PRIZES YEYA!

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