▲ Atelophobia ▲

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》Atelophobia is defined as the fear of not doing something right or the fear of not being good enough.

》Atelophobia is derived from two Greek words. The prefix 'atelo (s)' means 'imperfect' and the postfix 'phobia' refers to 'fear.' Thus, atelophobia means the fear of being imperfect or not good enough.

》According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 12.5 percent of Americans will experience a specific phobia.

》This a fear of failure stops individuals from trying new things and experiences. This also leads to anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, even suicidal tendencies.

》Atelophobia is often referred to as perfectionism. And while it is considered extreme perfectionism,

》The symptoms of atelophobia originate similarly to other phobias — with a trigger.

Emotional distress is a common symptom of atelophobia. This can manifest as an increase in anxiety, panic, excessive fear, hypervigilance, hyperalertness, poor concentration.

Main indicators / signs of Atelophobia:

They set standards are impossible to be met.

Afraid of flaws or making mistakes

The fear of failure makes it difficult for people to function in life

Rather not do anything than do something below standard

Completely avoiding situations where one can make a mistake

Mental symptoms:

Having problems focusing on anything apart from the fear

Being detached from oneself and thus, the world

Extreme fear of failure

Low self-esteem

Low self-worth

Extremely disappointed if failed at something

Pessimistic view of life and things in general

Expecting a negative outcome from every situation

Responding unrealistically to certain situations

Emotional symptoms:

Constant worry about everything

Overwhelming fear

Negative display of emotions, such as anger, sadness, disappointment, and hurt

Triggered to leave even during a mildly difficult situation

Sudden anxiety or panic attacks

Physical symptoms:


Sweaty hands



Panic attacks

Trembling of body


Chest pains

Increased heartbeat

Constant restlessness

Hot and cold flashes

Tingly feeling

Dry mouth


》There also is a common occurrence in disturbance of sleep and change in appetite

》A 2015 review of studies a trusted Source found a strong correlation between perfectionism and burnout. Researchers discovered that perfectionistic concerns, which relate to fears and doubt about personal performance, can lead to burnout in the workplace.

》Atelophobia can be biologic, meaning it's in your wiring to be insecure, sensitive, and perfectionistic. It is also often a result of a traumatic experience related to terrible experiences with failures or pressures to be perfect.

》With atelophobia, seeking help is the first step in learning how to let go of perfectionistic qualities.

》There are therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists with expertise in phobias, anxiety disorders, and perfectionist issues that can work with you to develop a treatment plan that may include psychotherapy, medication, or support groups.

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