▲ Anger ▲

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Anger is an emotion characterized by antagonism toward someone or something you feel has deliberately done you wrong. Anger can be a good thing. It can give you a way to express negative feelings, for example, or motivate you to find solutions to problems. But excessive anger can cause problems.

Anger can act as strongest motivation, if taken in a positive manner. It can also become strongest enemy when uncontrolled

Anger stops growth of new neurons in brain. Thus, growth of brain is weakened when a person is angry.

Sensitive people who want to be perfectionist are most likely to feel anger emotion.

》Many people may be unaware that the source of their anger is actually internal. In these circumstances, anger may stem from an individual's innate irrationality or low tolerance for frustration.

》On the opposite side of the coin, anger can emanate from an external source. The possibilities may be endless in this category, but some common sources are having your ideas belittled or your basic needs threatened.

》Experiencing anger can trigger the release of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. These chemicals provide an energy boost that can last for several minutes.

》Anger is an innate emotion, but issues of chronic anger and frequent aggressiveness may actually be learned behavior. Bullying in adolescent populations is often a reproduction of aggression and hostility witnessed within the home

》According to the Gallup 2017 Global Emotions Report, the self-reported angriest population in the world is Iran (50% of people reporting).

Anger is also known as a substitute emotion: People who have experienced some type of loss in their life may utilize anger to replace feelings of sadness or pain.

》Breaking up with a significant other definitely sucks, and naturally can trigger a lot of emotional responses. Interestingly, anger is considered one of the steps in the process of grieving and getting over a relationship.

》Some American studies have hinted that women may be angrier than men in general. However, men are more likely to act on their anger through the use of violence.

》Across all subsets of the American population, school shootings tend to cause near universal feelings of intense anger (over 90% of respondents).

Hispanic Americans are the group that express the most anger about climate change. Climate change also seems to arouse more anger amongst men than women.

Video games were once believed to cause anger and aggressive behavior due to their violent content. Studies have since shown that the angry behavior of gamers is actually linked to experiencing the frustration of failure while gaming. Dark Souls anyone?

Anger, like some other emotions, has three components.
The cognitive component is what you think about the emotion.
The physical component encompasses the physical changes to your body when experiencing anger.
Lastly, the behavioral component is what you do to express your anger.

》Despite having pristine beaches, warm weather, and awesome theme parks, Florida is home to 5 of the 12 angriest cities in the US.

Having trouble sleeping? It might be due to all that pent up rage. Men with a short temper are more likely to have difficulty falling asleep and remaining asleep, and individuals who suffer from sleep deprivation are more likely to be angry

The impact of anger on the heart may be more severe for women than for men. A study at Duke University demonstrated that performing a stressful task, such as explaining something that made an individual angry, caused a greater reduction in blood flow to the hearts of female participants.

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