t w i s t e d - t h o u g h t s

80 19 15

the night crawls on

pulling me deeper and darker

into the chilling layers of my mind

where you can get lost

in the sheets of shadowy, ebony silk

and the shadows crouching, ready to leap;

where my thoughts are always turning

into the treacherous thieves

of my soul's sacred sanity

and these twisted thoughts

forge an equally twisted crown of wild roses—

thorns and velvet scarlet,

placing it on my head,

forcing me to believe i reign over them

with a steady hand—

but i'm anything but steady,

and i start to feel the tremors

barreling through my bones,

fueled by the thoughts

trembling their way

down the familiar pathways

of anxiety aches and

the porcelain pain that's hard to hide

when it breaks—

won't you let me,

dear anxiety,

sleep tonight?

push me along

on a raft

alone and bright like

a shot-down shooting star

bobbing on a moonlit river

brimming with lost memories

that can't touch me,

where i can drift

into dreams

with a dove

fluttering free

against golden skies

and with a mind

that's just as free

of its rusted chains,

where i can dwell

as myself

and nothing more,

where loneliness

meets a quiet love

and where anxiety

can't follow me

into my sweet realities

softened with sleep

i wrote this at midnight last night hehe:) hope you like it<3



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