T H E - E N D

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to end this book, i've written a poem to go with the one that first started this collection (because i love all that "full circle" shit). the first poem's titled starless nights, and you can find it at the beginning. but i'll attach it here. 

the first one went like this:

I remember

          how your hands

                     could write words,

    but your lips

           had the courage

   to set them free

              in blurted whispers,

                           piercing the starless night

 with stars of your own—

                              stars made of 

           the kind of fiery regret

                          that burns down

in your chest

        until you

                set it


     to shoot across the sky

                                        in flames—

                       a shooting star borne from

the suffocating fire inside

(^ the format is extra and i know it)

and here's the poem to go with it? continue it? end it? 

i remember 

how the fire

rising in your lungs

would never stop


no matter how many times

you breathed it into stars

or spilled the molten words out

into my scarred hands

until the night

was suffocated with your smoke,

thin wisps of silver

curling around the moon

with her cold craters

aglow with fear—

even the cloaking darkness

draping around us

in swaths of velvet

was afraid

of the bottomless abyss

you held in your ribcage—

where did your heart go?

i remember how 

on a night brimming with stars,

after you've taken all the

words in the world

and kissed them into the earth

where we stand,

you let out the fire

that has climbed up

your throat,

spitting out

the one regret

that has refused to

shoot across the sky—

"you took my heart

and breathed

golden flames

into its chambers,

burning every

vessel and vein

with words 

that taste like honey

and hurt like hell–

i burned, darling.

let the wind 

carry my ashes 

to the sky.

don't keep me here

to char in the embers

of what we had.

you loved me

too fiercely,

and i regret

ever dancing in the flames."

so that's it. the last depressing, fictional poem. 

i hope you enjoyed this collection. 

i'd also like to thank everyone for being so nice and sweet. all the love and support for this book mean so so much to me <3

if you want to read way better poetry than this, you should check out these poets. their works are so amazing: scarlettlantsovlifebytheseashoremallgothdaisyywritesSumBlueSunshine, etc. 

^ just some poets who write the incredible poetry/prose i've been reading lately these past few weeks. i might've missed some.

anyways, have a lovely day/night :) new collection up soon. hopefully with a theme. maybe not. who knows anymore. 



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