🌙37| Torment

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I am excruciatingly very sad to announce the fact that Moonlovers is finally about to end. I wish to thank each and everyone who kept up with me as I released each chapter ☺️ Let me not bore you with my long speech...


Running, my hair dangled over my back as I threw my eyes around critically. When I turned to the main streets, the honking of cars from a huge traffic made my eyes widen. "Where's Allan?" She turned to a bed. But when I moved forward, my feet stumbled back. I regretted asking him the moment after. He was not only beaten up by Max, but he had hit his head quite hard to need bandages.

"He tried to stop Max, and this is how he ended up."

As I run my hands in my hair in despair, I looked a far and realized that the traffic goes way beyond the main streets. Cars had crashed against each other while a few still stood in the traffic waiting for the green light. Several passengers stepped out of their car and honked loudly for the cars in their way to move.

"Move your car!" This repeated sentence was all I could hear apart from the honking. "Max, where are you?" Asking myself this question, the traffic light turned on green, but the cars were too compacted and crushed to move. Traffic conductors rushed over from their cars and stopped at the streets to conduct the cars.

But it was still difficult to pull through. When the car in front tried to move, another car beside it also moved a crashed car in front of it to drive. But by doing so, the crushed car moved uncontrollably hitting the first moving car. A thick smoke emitted from the engine after crashing together.

"Stay in your positions! I repeat stay put drivers!" Holding a phone, one of them called for assistance with the traffic overlooker. Frustrated, I crossed in between the cars which honked at my irresponsible crossing as they moved forward.

"Hey!" a man in his car yelled when I intersected his driving way. "Are you crazy!" another woman screamed pressing on the honk to stop me. But I pushed my body in between the parked cars and crossed the road to the other side.

As I run along the streets, I found a busy city. Everywhere was packed with people. I saw a few rushing back from the other street screaming. "Run!" I heard when I glared at them in confusion.

I pushed my body in the crowd looking for him. "Max!" Covering my mouth before repeating his name was to make it travel farther. But I didn't get any response. Turning around in circles, I began to feel dizzy from looking at the faces of everyone around me. My eyes soared when I saw someone familiar. Smiling, I rushed over and pushed him by his shoulder.

But when he turned to face me, my eyes wavered. It wasn't him. "What's with you!" I lowered my head with an apologetic expression before taking steps back. Max, where are you? As I went around in circles, my eyes fell in the street screen board.

"Citizens. There's currently a vampire running wild on the streets. Please stay in doors and don't come out for your own safety. Please vacate the streets now!" the broadcaster announced. Tuning to a video, I blinked my eyes in surprise. I saw Max, but he looked totally not like the Max I knew.

Walking haphazardly in the streets, his dangerously lit eyes hid under the hoodie he wore. But it wasn't difficult to see his clenched teeth from his sideway on the screen. Shaking my head, I recognized the street. "Payprus? Max." He stopped for a moment when he saw a man looking at him in fear.

Twisting his head slightly, he grabbed the man by his throat and clenched out his teeth ready to feed on him. My eyes widened as I took to my heels, running in the streets as the cars drove in between my running. He turned slowly when he felt the scent of another vampire behind him.

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