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Smiling at the corner of his mouth, Ian turned to Max waiting for his answer. "You've known me for quite awhile. I don't go back on my promises. I'll let her go only if she hands out the spell book though. That's my only condition. For you, you have no other choice but to come with me if you want to live."

Tuning his head sideways, he smiled at him again crossing his arms. Just when we thought he was pulling out a gun to shoot us, we turned around surprised instead. With two empty patrols burning out, the police officers fell out, rolling down the alley. My eyes widened watching him shoot the tires of approaching patrols. Their cars quickly went out of control, somersaulting down inti the alley.

A sharp blast followed when the gas leaked into the atmosphere. With the smoke diving into the atmosphere, people began screaming their lungs out. But when he raised his hand to shoot three patrols coming over, Max closed his eyes screaming, "That's enough! Stop shooting!"

As I turned back wavering at the sight of the numerous dead policemen, Ian licked his dry lips and quietly turned to me.

"Are you looking for that police officer with the documents? With his son dead, I don't think he'll risk his other son's death to go against me. It's up to yourselves now!" Laughing, my eyes flickered breaking into tears. He killed his son too? How many more victims will die? I can't hand over the spell book. And I also can't let him die too?

What should I do to save everyone from him. He chuckled and smiled at me when he saw more patrols coming from a far. "Those police officers don't know their place. Decide fast. I can't help but to attack if they do first." I shook my head and held Max's hand to stop him.

"Max! No...don't listen to him. We can sort this out together," I convinced pulling him back. He remained still closing his eyes to think everything through. "Ian! You're not going to get your way with this. You can turn back and surrender to the police!"

He laughed so loudly that I had to step back in surprise. "Surrender? To those pathetic fools who claim they promote justice?!"

Realizing that he didn't intend on surrendering, I pulled Max by his hand, shaking him up. "Max?!" He didn't budge to my requests. Keeping his eyes closed, Ian rolled the gun over his fingers playfully waiting for his answer.

"All you have to do us convince her to give them to me. I won't hurt her, neither will I hurt you too. I'll help you get back on your feet. That way, you don't owe her anything. Even if you stayed with her, you'll end up dead. Your species are irreconcilable and that's why her mom hurriedly took her from the hospital bed by you. You can ask her."

He was right about my mom keeping me from him because of his inability to control his hand. But that has nothing to do with the present. Why was he coaxing Max with those. As Max opened his eyes, he turned to me hesitantly. I bit my lip unable to talk back at Ian's words.

Sighing, he dropped the gun and glared at him. "So are you with me?" With my silence, he realized Ian was right. Closing his eyes for a moment, Max clenched his fists. After a moment, he quickly raised his head. He nodded extending his hand out to accept his bargain.

"Max. No! He'll use you. Don't go with him," I cried clutching to his hand. His back stiffened emitting pure aggression on his face. "Why do you hate humans in the first place?" Pursing his lips, he turned silent and suddenly fumed with hate.

"You want know? Those fools separated me from my love. Isabella. For the sake of keeping humanity safe, they did all sorts of things. They can't be trusted. Neither with her. She'll be your end!" My thoughts drifted back to years back remembering that name.

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