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⚠️ This is not at all in any way related to the story. We just thought it'd be nice to do an April fools special. Feel free to skip this chapter if you can't be bothered reading, it won't affect anything in future updates. (And yes, we know it ain't April 1st yet, but we have an exam on that day and would probably be too busy to post)⚠️

"Omi! Meet my new boyfriend Hayato!"

You beam at the ravenette who stared up at you in shock, his gaze travelling between you and the boy who you had your arms wrapped affectionately around. It made Sakusa want to skin him alive with a scorching hot knife, slash his limbs into pieces and sell it on the dark web. 

"What? S-since when did- did..."

"We started dating today actually, nice to meet you Sakusa." He bows, tucking his dyed grey hair behind his ear.

Sakusa puts on a disgusted expression. "Out of everyone in this school, you really chose him?"

"Don't be rude, he's right here you know?" you say, flicking his forehead. Facing your new boyfriend, you smile apologetically. "Sorry, he can be a bit mean sometimes but I promise you he's just like that to everyone, so don't take it personally."

"Oh, that's okay. We'll get along well soon enough." Hayato says while rubbing his hand on your waist, a ghost of a smirk on his lips.

He knew what he was doing.

Sakusa, now enraged, hauls himself from the desk and snatches by the wrist.

"Whoa, dude back off, she-"

"We'll be back in a minute." He snarled before pulling you outside.

"Omi let go!" You wince as his grip tightens.

He ignores you and keeps walking.




You were led to a deserted hallway. You were about to shake off his grasp but your body was suddenly rammed into the wall. Feeling you shift, Sakusa presses himself further against you, immobilising your movements completely. "You're not going anywhere Y/N."

"Bro, give me some space, I don't wanna be a human sandwich." You put your hands on his chest, trying to push him away but he doesn't budge. 

"Are you doing this on purpose? Who the fuck was that?"

You looked at him as if he was stupid. "I literally told you not even five minutes ago, he's my new boyfriend. You don't remember? Or do you just have goldfish memory."

"Why though?"

"What do you mean why? Am I not allowed to have one?"

"You are, it's just, I think he's annoying."

You scoff, "that's because you talked to him for a whole two sec-." Your voice cuts off when realisation slowly sinks in. "My goodness, are you jealous?" 

Sakusa's eyes widened. "No, no, I'm not. He's giving off really bad vibes but like, I don't care if you're dating him. Do what you want."

"Geez Omi, someone's getting a bit defensive."

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