Chapter 25

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"Hey! Mind if we work as partners?" you ask, as he puts on a lab coat.

"Yes, I do mind. I'll be going now." the boy blatantly responds.

You chase after him, "Motoya introduced you to me the other d-"

"I know, I'm not stupid." he snarled, snatching a worksheet from the teacher's desk.

"Right." You reply while doing the same.

Following him to a table, you sit yourself down. He glares at you, then puts all the specimens to one side and takes out a microscope.

"I thought I told you to scram, L/N."

"And I thought you said you weren't stupid." You retort, pointing at the top of the sheet where it said to complete the task in pairs in a bold font.

After realising he had nothing to say back, he rolled his eyes and began to set up the equipment. You decide to help and plug in the microscope. While reaching over to insert the plug into the powerpoint, you accidentally knock one of the specimens off the table but Sakusa catches it right before it hits the ground.

"You have got to be the biggest fucking dumbass..." he growls, putting it back in place where it initially was.

"I get that I screwed up, but would it hurt for you to speak a little more nicely, Sakusa?"

He deadpans, "I will, once you stop being an annoying piece of shit."

"Off to a great start I see..." you mumble as you write your name down on the worksheet.

"Just shut up so we can work, I don't want to waste my lunchtime doing this because of you."

Sakusa places one sample substance on the stage of the microscope, peers in through the eyepiece and jots something down on his worksheet. He then moves aside so you could have your turn.

"Hurry your ass up, we don't have all day."

"Have some patience, Saku, the lens is blurry now and I need to adjust it." you respond.

"Don't call me that." He snaps.

Looking up at him, you sigh. "Just because you're pretty, doesn't mean you can act like you're above me you know? Let me live for a second dude."

You begin adjusting the lens and shifting the stage, doing your best to get it to focus. Though it took you a while, you got there in the end, feeling relieved that you no longer had to dispose of your dignity to ask Sakusa for help. Grabbing one of the glass pieces that contained a specimen, you carefully place it on the microscope and that's when you realised the boy hadn't thrown you an insult in a while.

"Why're you all quiet?" you ask, then noticing the pink that dusted his cheeks. The realization sunk in. "Are you blush-"

"No. It's hot in here..." he stammers and pulls his mask up, refusing make any eye-contact. 

"The air conditioner has been blowing for the whole lesson, Sakusa." 

"Well- I-  stop talking and do your work L/N, we need to finish this."

He was embarrassed enough, you decided not to overdo it as you didn't want to risk making him feel uncomfortable. 

"Did you get the same answer as me for problem one?" You questioned while pointing at your worksheet.

Sakusa glanced over to check what you wrote and nodded, "yeah... I think so."


"Sakusa! It's me from science class. Can we work together again?"

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