Chapter 27

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Trigger warning: Torture (we actually have no ducking clue what a realistic torture scene looks like so it ain't gonna be well written. But click away just in case)

"Bro, look, it's Aunty Crab." Komori nudged his cousin while pointing to the plump woman by the dining table. Sakusa tensed.

Aunty Crab was a nickname given to the woman due to her habit of always pinching people's cheeks, really hard as well. Though Komori wasn't fond of the pinching, he was able to put up with it. However, Sakusa absolutely despised being touched like that and avoided her at all costs. From childhood, the two cousin's always stuck together like glue during family gatherings since they found each other the most bearable.

"Fuck, let's get outta here." The ravenette whispered, pulling up his mask.

The brunette pouted, "but the food is so good, I don't wanna leave."

Sakusa deadpanned, "okay have fun with Crab." With that, he headed towards upstairs.

Komori glances desperately between the table of food and Sakusa, eventually snatching a plateful of spring rolls and rushing after his cousin.




"There's gonna be an ant infestation in your room you idiot," Sakusa scowled as he watched the brunette shove a whole spring roll in his mouth, crumbs hailing down on the bed.

"Don't worry man, I'll vacuum everything up later." Komori then held out the plate to the boy, "want some? It's really good."

Sakusa spun his head away, "no, not when your dirty hands already touched them."

"Come on Kiyoomi, I always wash my hands before eating." Pushing the plate closer to his mouth, the caramel-haired boy smiles, "you know you want some."

Cursing himself for giving in to the temptation, Sakusa reluctantly picked one and lowered his mask. Right when he was about to eat it, the door to the room busted open.

"Motoya! Kiyoomi! Play with us!" one of the children yelled.

Sakusa turned to him harshly, "you didn't lock the fucking door?"

The toddler gasped, "Kiyoomi said the F-word!"

In an instant, the horde of kids went crazy. Some laughed, some were shocked, some were planning on telling his mother, some thought that "big-cousin Kiyoomi was so cool."

"I-I'm sorry okay? I was in a hurry to get away from Aunty Crab!" Komori hissed as a little girl climbed on the bed and rolled around.

"We have to get out of here," the masked boy urged, "these roaches smell like shit." He cringed away from the child who tried to tug on his hair.

Without another word exchanged, both of them hopped off the mattress and bolted out the room. The group of children began chasing after them but none were able to catch up. Sakusa followed his cousin out into the backyard, slamming the sliding glass door shut.

"Where do we go now? They're going to find us here." Sakusa said, panting.

Komori glanced around frantically, searching for an escape, "come with me, I know the perfect place."

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