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When I reached the driveway and turned off my car and a chilled wind hit my skin and a spine chilling feeling hit me at the pit of my stomach and I felt like prey in predator territory. It was eerily quiet and not even a single soul was in sight and for a minute,I thought I was in the wrong property. I picked up my suitcase and climbed up the grand staircase and opened the door once I reached the top and true to my word it was quiet and every step I took inside was calculated but one thing that is for sure is that he's home because his cold and calculating aura can be felt lingering in here.

" Well,well look what the cat dragged in, the queen is finally back. You know for a minute there I felt bad for talking to you that way that night but after seeing those photos you and your boyfriend posted, I finally came to the conclusion that you are just a lying, backstabbing and self - centred bitch, who just wants attention and will do anything to have it. It's not as if you care but please try to stay away from scandals, it ruins my image and I don't want people thinking I'm a joke because my wife is cheating on me and doesn't even care enough to keep it a secret," he finished and as he was about to turn the doorknob to leave," I'm sorry for leaving without informing you and it won't happen again and it's not that it's any of your business but he's just a friend I recently met but don't worry I will try to keep your reputation intact and you shouldn't worry me," I finished in one breath and immediately took my luggage and went upstairs to our room, leaving him dumbfounded.

I just took a warm shower and went to my side of the bed and slept because the fatigue from all the driving way too much. Some disturbance woke me up but when I checked nobody was in sight. I thought I had some giggling and moans in the hallway but it might just have been my imagination or it was just some househelps fooling around since some are either dating
or married. I grabbed my phone, hoodie and blankie and went downstairs. As I was in the kitchen drinking water, the maid, Vanessa entered and she looked like she just a roll in the hay with someone because she had the just fucked hair and she was still fixing her attire. Upon seeing me she just gave me the bitchy eye roll and an evil smirk and left heading towards the servants quarters but I just couldn't shake the feeling whatever she was smirking about was something that is related to me and will mess with me. My thoughts were interrupted by a text:

Xavier: Hey beautiful 💖.
- Kimberly

Kimberly: Hi, what's up?😊
- Xavier

Xavier: Just missing a cute and sweet someone. Actually I made your favorite cookies 😋...they taste so good 😍😍
- Kimberly

Kimberly: First of all,I miss you 2 so much and also you seriously texted me to brag on your baking skills🙄..... anyway wish you were here😔
- Xavier

Xavier: Bumble bee did he hurt you in any way?
- Kimberly

Kimberly: Don't worry it's nothing I can't handle. 😊
- Xavier

After that I didn't get a reply so I just rinsed the glass and put it back in the cabinet then I made a direct beeline for the library where I busied myself with a book as usual. A servant came to inform me that dinner was ready and I took my book with me to the room and put on some sweatpants over my pajama shorts and put on a grey sweatshirt and went downstairs. I found him seated at the head of the table and I sat on his right, then the servers came and put the food on the table and started serving us. What disturbed me was the scene before me. Vanessa was the one serving Alex and the uniform she was wearing was nowhere close to decent, since her boobs were pushed up and we're almost spilling out and that dress wasn't even covering her ass probably and what's more embarrassing, she was leaning down so much to the point that her breasts her eye level with him and he seemed he didn't mind because he didn't even care that I was here.

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