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"It's really frustrating and aggravating to talk to him and I just don't understand why he always has to be that mean to me. It's always such a rollercoaster of emotions with him and what enrages me most is that I can't stop thinking about him and the feelings that he ignites in me, it's something that I have never felt for anyone and it drives me insane since I can't figure out what I really feel for him. Since I was a child,I have found myself in more than one painful situation and it's always so had for me to deal with them and that's why I tend to have a lot of panic attacks. His words did really get to me but I can't deny the what he said was true and it's only just recently that I have managed to make friends but still this goes to show that I'm still the same old Kimberly and maybe he's right, they might just abandon me because after all nobody has ever stayed long by my side and they always hurt me and I will go back to being broken. I can't breathe. I won't recover if Xavier ever stops being my friend and I just can't lose him,why is there no air here? Somebody help me,I'm going to die. Xander please help me. He won't come,he doesn't care about me actually,me dying will be advantageous for him," that's the last thing I remember mumbling before I fell on the floor and became unconscious.

Alexander's POV
She has never spoken to me that way. There was so much frustration,anger and hate when she spoke to me and she didn't even give me a chance to reply, she just dashed towards the stairs and I heard her slamming the door to her room. Why did I have to be such a d**khead and hurt her like that? I promised myself that I will make sure she doesn't get hurt but I ended up hurting her. I had made peace with the fact that her being near me but not being able to be with her was the right thing to do but I just couldn't control myself when today in the morning,I had asked one of the servants to go call her for breakfast but as I was heading out she informed me that Kimberly wasn't in her room and she was informed that she hadn't come back after she left the house in the morning. I called the office and informed that I wouldn't be coming in and decided to wait for her, so I went to my study and started working only to hear people talking and when I went to check I found my parents and my in-laws in my living room and as if they didn't care about me, they immediately asked for her and to hide the charade we have been putting up I had to lie that she had gone out to do some shopping and thankfully they bought it and didn't question further. We talked for a while before we heard the sound of a car approaching and after some minutes, Kimberly came in and she was carrying a very huge teddy bear that was too heavy for her and she just walked past us and didn't even notice us. She then came downstairs and she was in a video call with a guy who she was thanking and having the time of her life talking to him and smiling like a maniac. I know you think am jealous but I'm not.

She greeted everyone then she sat with us before she went to the kitchen to get refreshments and came back and started serving everyone and when she came to serve me I just had to make everyone else believe that we love each other so I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my lap and might I say she was blushing furiously and she looked so beautiful to me and when she tried to get up, I gripped her waist tighter and all I wanted was to kiss her right there but I had to stay strong but when our parents left,I remembered she hadn't come back home and I got even more angrier and my stupidity lead me to talk to her in such a hurtful way but I was just pissed at the thought of her being in the arms of another man and he making her happy,just makes my blood boil since I want to be the only thing that makes her smile because she belongs to me since she's my wife.

It's been quite a while and I haven't seen her and I think I should apologise for those harsh words because this time I crossed the line. I went upstairs to apologise to her but I kept on knocking but she didn't answer the door. I guess she is pretty angry with me that's why she doesn't want to talk to me.

"Kimberly, please open the door. I know I crossed the line and am sorry but please open the door for me because am sorry for hurting you with my words and actions," she didn't respond nor did I hear any movement inside.

"Kimberly I took my ego and put it aside to apologise and now you won't even talk to me, that's so not you," still she didn't respond so I had no other choice than to budge  in and the site I found,made a pain shoot through my chest.

She was there unconscious and she wasn't moving and it broke my heart. I crouched down to floor and upon checking for her pulse it was faint and that only made me more terrified. " Kim am sorry for shouting at you and even treating you badly ever since we got married but please don't wake up. I will stop being rude to you but please get up," at that particular time,my dad entered and as I assumed he had heard everything but he didn't say anything.

"Let's rush her to the hospital before it's too late," he said and I picked her up and took her to the car and we left for the hospital and every minute was torture. We finally arrived and she was taken to the emergency room and the doctors started to tend to her. It was so unnerving waiting for the doctors to give us some results. Finally the doctors came and informed us that she had a panic attack which triggered loss of breath and that's why she fainted and we just have to wait since the brain had lacked oxygen for some time and it might have been fatal so she had to be under observation and wait for her to be awake so that they can make everything is ok. After they left I let out a breathe of relief although I know she isn't out of the woods yet.

"You know I thought that getting her married to you, she would be safe and you would at least be man enough to treat her the way she deserves but I guess your mother and I spoiled you too much that you no longer see women as human beings and you just use them to get whatever you want. I wish you could see the gem you have for a wife. She is the most precious thing and anybody would be lucky to have her. I have come to a decision, I will remove you from being the heir to all my fortune until you prove that you are man enough and worthy to head my empire and also treat Kimberly the way she deserves and with the respect she should be bequithed as your wife," he finished and judging from the look of disappointment and anger, I could tell it was final and I wouldn't be able to change it.

Kimberly's parents and brother came to the hospital together with my mother since Dad had informed her and asked her to inform the Mendoza's and right now they were with her in her room. I feel so bad for putting her in this situation but her mental weakness has now cost me my inheritance and that just makes me angry. I just have to do what Dad wants and get it back.

" Kiki why do you have to scare us so much? Seriously I know you missed me but you didn't have to send yourself to the hospital for me to come see you," her brother joked and she hit him on the arm and laughed. I called the doctor and after checking her, he said everything was alright and she would be discharged tomorrow. "I think we should leave the couple alone and we will come back tomorrow," my dad said and after bidding their goodbyes they left us alone and their was so much tension one could cut it with a knife.

"Am sorry for causing such a commotion and in the future I will try to be stronger and fight them," she said and I just couldn't understand how she could be so kind and thoughtful even when she is the one who has been wronged.

"You don't have to worry, I know it is my fault and I apologize for those hurtful words and now you need to rest and regain your strength and tomorrow we can leave the hospital and please don't argue, whatever I said it's final," she looked shocked at first but she gave in eventually and fell asleep and I must say she looked so beautiful with the light of the moon falling on her face. Wait, I can't be distracted by my feelings for her since I have to find a way to get all I lost back. I went out for some fresh air as I find a plan to convince my dad that I have learnt my lesson and he will give me his empire so that I can run it.

Xander is such a jerk and I'm feeling so sorry for Kiki but let's just hope he sees how precious she is before he loses her.😉

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