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Ever since I can remember my birthday parties have always been the 'it' thing. The tradition started with my mom but when I was old enough to choose my own theme, I went all out but never cliches because from seeing my mommy alone, I never really began with the notion of the fairytale love. I learnt at an early age that love isn't enough because you have to work hard and take care of your person in order make your relationship work. It takes every individual involved to make it work and mommy told me it's okay to have an opinion but to always try listen to the other person hence, the fairytale theme had to have a twist.

Kids from school litter my dad's backyard, everyone is dressed accordingly and the theme is exactly what I had pictured. The other aspect of this party that just fits the theme without even trying is my best friend although he doesn't like me calling him that.


I knew from the first time we met that he was gonna be someone special to me. He exhumed a darkness and was mad at the world for what I don't know bit I knew he was really sad and in need of a friend even though he denies it. Ever since we became acquainted, he never seizes to follow me around and stare way too much. Mommy says its because he likes me and I'm not really sure because he's mean to me sometimes then other times, he defends me from bullies and its so confusing. Like right now am heading towards the water station because am thirsty and he's following me even though he's not thirsty. I had offered to get him water but he said he wasn't thirsty and when I said I was and started going to get water, he started following me even though he doesn't need it. I don't even try to stop him this days because I know he won't listen to me.

Apart from having all my friends and having fun, the other thing am happy about is seeing my family on the mend. Mommy is standing with Uncle Xav and Luke, Aunt Nicky and daddy is with my Grammies, grandmas and my three uncles; Mariano, Harry and Kyle but all throughout, daddy has been looking at mommy. Any time she laughs, talks, fusses over me, his gaze is always tracking her movements. Sometimes I wonder if I will find my special boy who will love me as much as daddy loves me but with how Damian is acting, I may never find them. "Hi Kayla, thanks for inviting me to your party. It's awesome because you didn't want to be a princess like everyone else," Caleb a boy from my music class compliments and I smile and thank him.

"I wanted something different because I am different and I don't think am a princess because I can do things for myself and don't need a prince to come save me" "Wow, I love your confidence. You're just so kind and friendly and I just wanted to say happy birthday and ask if yo.." I didn't hear the rest because Damian suddenly appeared infront of me and shoved him so hard he fell then he grabbed my hand and dragged me to my bedroom in dad's house, "Let me go you bully. Why did you push him like that, he was just being nice to me," he didn't let go till we were inside the room and he slammed the door shut then locked it. "It's not nice to shove people and then drag me away before I could apologize. This is my party and mommy says we always have to be nice to our guests and that was not nice at all. Why did you do that?" He just stood there angrily staring at me.

"Would you explain yourself and don't just stand there all angry like am the one at fault when it's all your fault because you're always so mean people don't want to be my friend and am all alone," he suddenly moved towards me and grabbed my hand, "You aren't alone ever. You have me and that's all you need because you're mine and am yours," I didn't understand what he meant. "You don't even want to be my friend how can I be yours? You're impossible," I ran to my bed and threw myself face down since I didn't want him to see me cry. He doesn't want to be my friend but he won't let other people close enough to be my friend. It's so frustrating because he's the only one I really want to be friends with but he rejects me.

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