Ch. 21 - Hubby

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A/N: I've planned out the next bit of plot and I've realized this book is going to be way longer than my first, which was 31 chapters. This one might end up over 50, which is super exciting.
Have fun reading!

Midoriya POV

     They let me stay in the dorms because I already live here, but I still needed a legal guardian so they put my name down at an orphanage or something. I think I'm supposed to visit it soon because it's technically legally my home now, but I really don't want to. Aizawa had looked very conflicted when the Detective left but I didn't want to ask about it because it was none of my business.

     Also, my throat was not used to talking so much and it was still sore from going long periods without using it and then straining it, so all the talking I did made it really hurt. I decided I would talk as little as possible for the rest of the day.

     Me and Shinso had gone to class for the remainder of the day, and Mic was unusually quiet during his English lesson. When Shinso got up to turn his work in I followed him closely with my eyes, watching as he said something to Mic and walked back to his seat. He had looked really down ever since the conversation with the detective, but now there was some confusion on his face. I didn't want to bother him so just like with Aizawa, I didn't ask.

     I had a physical therapy session with Shinso and recovery girl last period, then discreetly asked her if she could get someone to bring over the spare roll-up futon I had in my room. I wasn't gonna let Shinso sleep in his desk chair again, and he had seemed really embarrassed when I had asked him to sleep with me last night. I didn't want to make him do anything he wasn't comfortable with. Midnight brought the futon over while Shinso and I were working on homework, leaving quickly because she had been called in for some hero work.

     He still made me sleep in his bed, though he made it clear that he was thankful for the futon.

     In hindsight I was probably being pretty creepy and stalker-ish, but I had wanted to see what he looked like when he was asleep, and it was also a chance to stare at him without him noticing. I needed to figure out my feelings, okay?

     I pretended to fall asleep around 10:30 ish and waited until he fell asleep, which wasn't until some time around 2am. It seemed like he had been trying to fall asleep since around midnight, insomnia maybe? It would explain the dark bags he always had under his eyes.

     When it seemed like he finally fell asleep I turned around carefully, peering over the edge of the bed to see his face. I nearly lost my breath coming face to face with him, feeling that familiar urge to kiss him. Or at the very least, to reach out and touch his face. His lips were parted and quiet breaths left them. His eyebrows were relaxed and slightly lifted compared to normal. I suppose that's because he scowls a lot. His hair was still wet from his shower and wasn't up in its usual Aizawa-esque style. His jaw was unclenched, and I noticed his eyelashes were a pretty lavender color, just like the rest of his hair. I smiled slightly.

     He's gorgeous.


Shinso POV.
Earlier in the day (English class)

     I had just finished the English worksheet and quietly offered to give Izuku the answers because he only had two questions left, but he wanted to do it himself. He was surprisingly good, despite missing months of material. He told me he liked to study ahead, so he had a somewhat decent understanding of what was on the worksheet.

     I walked up to the front to hand Mic the classwork and he looked up from his phone, setting it down on the desk to take it. He glanced over it and I shifted my head towards his phone. He had seemed a little off during class today and I was wondering if the problem was on his phone.

     He had messages open and had been texting someone called 'Shota hubby <3'. Wait... Shota as in Shota Aizawa? I probably should have known, they seemed abnormally close despite their opposite personalities, I see them together all the time in the staff room. I had never seen a ring on either of their fingers though.

     Curiosity got the best of me and I glanced over the texts.

Shota: Hey zashi...

Me: hey babes
Me: whats up? u never text during school hrs???


Me: honey whats wrong?
Me: pls respond ur worrying me

Shota: Do you still want to adopt?
Shota: Nevermind sorry. Forget I asked.

Me: wait babe you can't just do that
Me: you know I really wanted too but it's been years and we decided it was a bad idea because we're both pros
Me: where is this coming from


     "Good job little listener. You only got one wrong." I snap my gaze back to him as he looks up at me, seemingly a bit more stressed than normal. I can imagine why.

     "T-thank you." I turn around quickly and head back to my seat. Something tells me I was not supposed to see that.

     Then I thought about Izuku and it took everything in me to keep a look of surprise off my face. Was Aizawa thinking about adopting him?

     I shouldn't jump to conclusions, but it seems likely.

     "Hey, Shinso?" Izuku whispers to me.


     "Can you take my work up for me?" He asks, holding his worksheet out.

     "Sure." I half mumble, mind still thinking about the texts. I grab his worksheet and go back up to Mic to hand it in. He glances over it and throws a thumbs up to Midoriya who nods and puts his head down on the desk. He's probably still really stressed after what happened yesterday and today.

980 words.

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