28. A Piece to the Puzzle?

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I had braced myself for vomitting blood or screaming and convulsing. 

Something dramatic seen in movies and horror films, but instead my eyes instantly latched onto a still figure at the other side of the room, beneath a white sheet.

Okay so maybe in my head I should've described it differently, since a body under a white sheet still sounds like a dead body and soemthing out of a horror film, but overall, this wasn't as bad as it could've been.

Stepping into Malia's room was like stepping into a tub of vanilla ice cream, the theme of white and different shades of creme colors enveloping everything in the room. Floor to ceiling length windows, which I've found to be a common architecutral design on this island, take up one of the walls of the room, although white, thick curtains are drawn over most of them.

It's quiet as we all enter, taking in the room along with Malia's still form on the bed inf ront of us.

"She's not dead, is she?" Max breaks the silence, right before Becky smacks him over the head.

"Forutnately, no." Iris says with a light chuckle, before walking towrds the bed. "It's jsut one of her sleeping habits."

Iris leans over and grabs a corner of the sheet, carefully withdrawing it to releive Malia's sleeping face. I walk over beside Iris to stare down at the sleeping Malia, who looks extremely elegant even when sleeping, pale, and gaunt. The beauty standards this woman sets almost make me want to cry sometimes.

"Malia." Iris whispers a little loudly, touching her lightly on the shoulder.

No reaction.

"Malia." Iris tries again, a little louder.

"What if she's dead-" Max is cut off by yet again another smack, although this one on his arm.

"Don't finish that question." Becky glares at him.

I look away from Malia's sleeping face to look back at Becky and Max, my eyebrows scrucnhed together.

"She won't blast light beams at us or anything for waking her up from her sleep...will she?" I ask, the question seeming like a legitimate one to ask at the time.

"I can assure you, I'm not that aggravated by a wake up call." 

"Oh okay phew". I say, looking back at Malia where the voice that answered the question was oddly coming from, only to see Malia's eyes wide open as if she had never been sleeping, cuasing me to jump in fright.

"Good morning, Aunt Malia." Iris says gently, helping her to sit up and propping pillows up behind her. "Are you feeling any better?"

"A tiny bit." Malia concedes, although by her weak  and slow movements she doesn't seem to have much strength in her. "Before that though I would like to know why our guests are in my chambers? Is there an emergency?"

"Yes and no." Iris states while biting her bottom lip. "Let me get your medication ready while they explain." She walks off to a cart sitting near the door where I'm assuming the medication is, and Becky, Max, and I all share a look.

"I can explain."Becky finally volunteers herself with a sigh, and she starts the story, starting off with describing the run in  I had with the mysterious figure who had Cato's eyes and how they tried to basically get rid of me, and then on to the issues we're facing right now with the island being threaten by Dalton.

When Malia hears Dalton's name for the first time her eyes widen, and  I could swear fear flashed through them for a split second, but then she's back to being calm and collected right away.

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