Covid-19 Spreads to Dalton

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Hey, everyone! Dangeroustoken here. Before we get started I have just a quick, little message. This bonus chapter takes place on Dalton (obviously) but in a situation where the Corona virus has spread and they're quarantining. It's also in thrid-person, which i do a lot of times for my bonus chapters. Now about the situation in the real world, it's a hard time for some people, a really relaxing time for others, and most of all, it's pretty boring. So I hope you really enjoy this extra bonus chapter, and maybe even find something interesting to do from it, but please, do not try some of these things at home, lol. Now, without further ado, enjoy the bonus chapter!

Ashley stared up at the ceiling, feeling an extreme sense of deja vu (probably because this is how she spent a lot of her time in the last chapter).

Sighing, she sat up and looked at the Tv that was on mute across the room, playing the only channel that Dalton could get service for, which was unfortunately not the news, and instead some little-kid cartoon show that involved a blue dog and a creepy-looking guy who had no better things to do then check his mail.

She wondered if her father was okay, back on Braun island, but if she knew anything about her father, it was that he was a complete germ-maniac who wouldn't let the new virus even touch him. He's most likely locked up in his house right now, eating his favorite oatmeal cookies and binge-watching Food Network. 

Ashley glanced at the door. Technically, Highclere (where she was at along with the rest of the characters for a moment until they resumed the next chapter) was supposed to be on lock-down, but that didn't stop many people from leaving their rooms. They had to get food somehow.

Ashley glanced at the coffee table, piled high with snacks and fruits and such. 

Yep, she thought. Definitely time to get some more food.

She stood up and walked to the door, opening it and peeking into the hallway. She didn't see anyone, or even hear a sound. 

Debating, she finally made up her mind before walking down the hallway to the next door over, where she knocked before calling out.

"Hey Max! It's Ashley! I was going down to the kitchen and wondered if you would like to join-" The door opens before she finishes, startlingly her.

The door suddenly opening isn't the only thing that surprises her, but also the figure standing in the door, a figure with choppy bob-cut black hair and face-mask that nearly envelopes her whole face.

"Becky?" Ashley asks only to be cut off by a mask being shoved in her face.

"Wear it." Becky's muffled voice comes through her mask.

"Becky you know these don't actually work unless-" Ashley starts.

"Wear. It." Becky demands, and Ashley takes the face mask while Becky immediately takes hand sanitizer out of her pocket and squirts a quarter-size amount into her hands, rubbing vigorously.

"Hand." She says, and Ashley holds out her hand, allowing Becky to pour some into her hand as well.

"You may enter." Becky says after watching Ashley rub her hands with it.

Becky turns and walks into the room, Ashley following and quickly throwing the face mask into the garbage before Becky can notice.

" What are you doing in Max's room, Becky?" Ashley asks, although a corner of her lip is turning up. Could this be the progress Ashley had been hoping would develop between Max and Becky?

"Making sure this eefus doesn't die." Becky responds nonchalantly. 

"Eefus?" Ashley questions, but turns her attention to where Becky is pointing ahead of them.

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