29. So Many Uninvited Guests

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My mind can't entirely comprehend the fact that it's not Lager, and not End either standing across the room from us, but Dalton, the entity of the island itself.

"Soooo....you're not supposed to be here." Is all my peanut-sized brain can come up with at the moment to say.

Dalton doesn't respond, isntead pushing off the wall he was leaning against to come to a full stand while facing us.

Honestly I'm suprised no one noticed him sooner since he stands so much in a completely white and cream room with his entirely black attire.

In the second it took for Dalton to casually push off the wall, Becky and Max are already moving.

There's a flash of light and suddenly a bright blue and humongous lion is standing in front of Malia, Iris, and I, while Becky stands beside the lion, hands up at her sides with white glowing orbs in them, ready to be thrown at any moment.

"Stand down." Malia asserts, surpring me by the fierce and firm tone in her voice.

Becky and Max look back at her in disbeleif but she's keeping a steady gaze on Dalton, not looking away for even a second.

"I said stand down." She repeats. "If he decides to attack the both of you will only end up gravely injured."

Max shakes his head, the mane ruffling and showing his dismay. He backs up away from Dalton a bit and mroe towards us, but still stays in his lion form, meanwhile Becky slowly lets the glowing orbs fade from her hands, although her body is as tense as ever.

"Leave it up to the Lightling High Commander to make the wise decision." Dalton says, and I shiver at how completely strange and alien it sounds coming from Lager's voice. 

Malia says nothing, only continuing to hold her head high and gaze set straight on her target. She looks so regal and in control that I almost don't notice how her whole frame is slightly shaking, her legs most likely too weak to support her right now especiallly after she had just woken up from collasping. 

We need to wrap this up, and fast.

"You're here for me, aren't you?" I ask again, somehow managing to find my voice although it includes a vocie crack.

"Pardon me but what did she say? I couldn't quite hear the human from all the way back there." Dalton states with an arrogant smirk.

I know he wants me to get closer so he'll have a greater chance to snag or attack me, so moving closer is defenitely not a good idea, but if I don't move he could take measures into his own hands and hurt my friends.

So I'll relent a little.

I take a few steps closer until I'm standing on the other side of Malia, discreetly moving my sling-free arm to her back in case she ends up collasping again or needs to extra support.

"So you really are the cause behind my freedom." Dalton murmurs loud enough or us to hear, his eyes focused on my injured shoulder and arm that's all bandaged up.

"Last time I checked she was the only human on this island." Becky finally snaps, and honestly I'm surprised she managed to hold herself back this long.

Dalton's gaze shifts from my shoulder to lazily move over to her, and he looks her up and down.

"Hmmm, a Halfling." Yet again another smirk from him, before suddenly Becky gasps in pain, crumpling in on herself and clutching her head.

Max lets out a growl, turning his entire lion form to face her worriedly, and I look at Becky and then at Dalton.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaim, taking a step towards him, only for Malia to extend her arm out, blocking me.

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