The Meeting

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The three of you are lying in bed, you haven't said anything since, you hear the music of the party.

You get up and you start dressing again under the questioning look of Nat and Wanda.
Nat sits down and covers her chest with the blanket.

N- Where are you going ?
You finish putting on your pants and you look at her smiling.

Y/n- It was a very good... party, but I have to go ! See you next time beautiful girls.

W- Wait, what's your name ?
you put on your waistcoat and you laugh lightly.

Y/n- You don't need to know it.
You smile at them and you walk out of the room.

*A few minutes later*

Nat and Wanda are still in bed, Wanda turns around and checks the time on her phone. She sighs.

She gets back in bed and rides on Nat. Nat puts her hands on her hips and Wanda puts her hands on her cheeks.

W- Nat, we need to go. We have a meeting in 5 hours and the party is not over.

Nat sighs and they get up to get dressed and go back to the party.

*5 hours later*

You walk down the hallway next to your father. You arrive in the meeting room.

?- Hey Tony ! Who is with you ?

T- Guys, I present to you the most beautiful thing I have done besides my costume, my daughter, Y/n.

S- Hi, I'm Steve.
He shakes your hand

T- Hey i'm Thor !

C- I'm Carol, nice to meet you.
You smile at her

Y/n- Nice to meet you too.
You look at the back of the room and you see her. She raises her eyebrows slightly shocked and smiles. She walks toward you without saying anything.

T- Okay so, she is N-

Y/n- I know who is she dad
You smile

T- How ?

Y/n- I talked to her at the party and...
You lean over to look behind Nat and you see Wanda on her phone not paying attention at you.

Y/n- Wanda ?
She raises her head and looks at you confused.

You walk towards her and gently shake her hand.

Y/n- Y/n Stark.
You look at Nat and Wanda

Y/n- I hope I can get to know you better.
You smile.

A few minutes later he Avengers return to their occupation.

You go to the kitchen and you find Wanda and Natasha there.

Wanda turns to you.

W- So... you are Tony's daughter ?

Y/n- Yeah, what a coincidence

N- Don't tell him about last night, that's a really bad idea

Y/n- Why ? It was good

N- Indeed, but you are his daughter and it is a risk not to take. If he finds out that we had sex, he will kill us, for real !

Y/n- Oh yeah you're right...

W- Does your father know that you like girls ?

Y/n- Yep

W- Oh okay

Y/n- I told him two years ago he's pretty much supportive.

W- He is still a father who does not want his daughter to be touched.

Y/n- Too bad... I didn't want to stop !
You smile at her

N- The rules do not fully apply to us...
She smiles back at you.

W- Yeah never !

Wanda comes closer and puts her hands on your arms looking you in the eyes. You turn around and you see Natasha behind you.

Suddenly Tony walks into the room and the girls walk away from you.

T- Hi, are you getting to know each other ?

Y/n- Oh uh yeah, yeah !

W- Yes we... we were talking

T- Cool

Y/n- Yeah that's cool... you wanted to tell me something ?

T- Oh yes uh, you don't have a room, at least not at the moment

Y/n- WHAT ?! No way i'm sleeping with you and mom, i'm not 10 years old anymore !

T- You have no choice, or you go back home with mom !

W / N- She can sleep with me !
They say at the same time

Y/n- Uh... okay ?

T- Okay but you will not cut yourself in half so choose
He smiles and walks out of the room.

You sigh and you turn around in front of the girls staring at you

Y/n- What ? Why are you looking at me like that ?

N- Who are you going to sleep with ?

W- We will not be offended but you must choose.

Y/n- Alright alright i have an idea
You take their arm and you put them face to face

N- What ?

Y/n- Rock, paper, scissors
You smile proud of your idea

They do it and Wanda wins

N- Shit !
Wanda is not smiling but you can see that she is happy

N- Good well... too bad
She makes a disappointed face.

You approach her and you gently place your lips on hers in a tender kiss, but with some ulterior motives when you put your hand on her back going down slowly

N- Oh no, wait, not here my beautiful, your father is not far away
She laughs lightly

Wanda walk up behind you and kiss your neck

W- We don't care, don't we ?
She said before you let out a low moan

You hear footsteps far from the kitchen what makes you jump. You laugh and finally you stop there.

*Later in the night*

You slept until you heard light footsteps in Wanda's room.

N- Y/n ?
She whispers

Y/n- What ?
You whisper

N- Can I sleep with you two ?

Y/n- No !

N- Why not ?

Wanda sigh

W- I'm trying to sleep !
You don't answer

A few seconds later you feel Nat sneaking into the bed snuggling up to you.

Y/n- What are you doing ? No ! No !
You move to try to bring her down

N- Stop ! It's fine !

W- Shhhh !!
Nat tight you as hard as a panda, tired, you decide to give up and you tight her in your turn. Wanda turns around and you fall asleep.


My posts are irregular but I'll try to post more often

(1026 words)

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